TotalView for HPC – Team Debugger

Über TotaView:

TotalView breaks down barriers to understanding what's going on with your high-scale parallel and multicore applications. Purpose-built for applications using hundreds or thousands of cores, TotalView for HPC provides a set of tools that give scientific and academic developers unprecedented control over processes and thread execution, along with deep visibility into program states and data.

With customizable displays of the state of your running program, memory leaks, deadlocks, and race conditions are things of the past. Whether you're a scientific and technical computing veteran, or new to the development challenges of multicore or parallel applications, TotalView gives you the insight to find and correct errors quickly, validate prototypes early, verify calculations accurately, and above all, certify code correctly.

TotalView works with C, C++, and Fortran applications written for Linux (including the Cray and Blue Gene platforms), Linux PowerLE, UNIX, Mac OS X, and Xeon Phi coprocessor, and supports OpenMP, MPI, OpenPOWER, and OpenACC / CUDA. (Quelle:

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  • Für Studierende der TU und Mitarbeiter der TU gilt: Die Nutzung dieser Software ist für Sie kostenfrei.
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Auskunft zur Lizenz

Dipl. Ing. (FH) Rüdiger Kragl

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