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Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel


  • Towards self-calibrating inertial body motion capture.
    Bertram Taetz, Gabriele Bleser und Markus Miezal
    International Conference on Information Fusion, (2016)
  • On inertial body tracking in the presence of model calibration errors.
    Markus Miezal, Bertram Taetz und Gabriele Bleser
    MDPI Sensors, Vol. 16, Nr. 7, S. 1132. (2016)

Beispiel aus Biblio

Sortiere nach: Autor, Jahr, Titel


  • Video- und Transkriptvignetten aus dem Lehr-Lern-Labor – die Wahrnehmung von Studierenden.
    Marie-Elene Bartel und Jürgen Roth
    Lehr-Lern-Labore : Konzepte und deren Wirksamkeit in der MINT-Lehrpersonenbildung, (2020)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-58913-7_19
  • Increasing connectivity enhances habitat specialists but simplifies plant–insect food webs.
    Peter Batary, Verena Rösch, Carsten Dormann und Teja Tscharntke
    Oecologia, Vol. 195, Nr. 2, S. 8. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00442-020-04830-6
  • Laufkäfererfassungen (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in vier Waldgebieten Westfalens (Nordrhein-Westfalen).
    Sascha Buchholz, Johanna Kasper, Jens Schirmel und Karsten Hannig
    Natur und Heimat, Vol. 80, Nr. 3, S. 10. (2020)
  • Studying effects of contaminants on aquatic-terrestrial subsidies: Experimental designs using outdoor and indoor mesocosms and microcosms.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, Matthias V. Wieczorek, Ralf Schulz, Johanna M. Kraus, David M. Walters und Marc A. Mills
    Contaminants and ecological subsidies : the land-water interface, (2020)
  • The potential of different semi-natural habitats to sustain pollinators and natural enemies in European agricultural landscapes.
    Agustin M. Bartual, Louis Sutter, Gionata Bocci, Anna-Camilla Moonen, James Cresswell, Martin H. Entling, Brice Giffard, Katja Jacot, Philippe Jeanneret, John Holland, Sonja Pfister, Orsolya Pinter, Eve Veromann, Karin Winkler und Matthias Albrecht
    Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 279, S. 10. (2019)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2019.04.009
  • Erfassung und Entwicklung von Systemkompetenz - Empirische Befunde zu Kompetenzstruktur und Förderbarkeit durch den Einsatz analoger und digitaler Modelle im Kontext raumwirksamer Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen.
    Svenja Brockmüller
  • Qualifying the effects of single and multiple stressors on the food web structure of Dutch drainage ditches using a literature review and conceptual models.
    Sally Bracewell, Ralf C. M. Verdonschot, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, Alex Bush, David R. Lapen und Paul J. Van den Brink
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 684, S. 14. (2019)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.497
  • Potential of NMR relaxometry to unravel the properties of mucilage in several pore sizes.
    Mathilde Brax, Maximilian Köhne, Eva Kroener und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Geoderma, Vol. 340, S. 10. (2019)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.01.013
  • Salinity impacts on river ecosystem processes: a critical mini-review.
    Elisabeth Berger, Oliver Frör und Ralf Bernhard Schäfer
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Vol. 374, Nr. 1764, S. 10. (2019)
    DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2018.0010
  • Salt in freshwaters: causes, effects and prospects - introduction to the theme issue.
    Miguel Canedo-Argüelles, Ben Kefford und Ralf Bernhard Schäfer
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Vol. 374, Nr. 1764, S. 6. (2019)
    DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2018.0002
  • Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems.
    Sebastian Birk, Daniel Chapman, Laurence Carvalho, Bryan M. Spears, Hans Estrup Andersen, Christine Argillier, Stefan Auer, Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Lindsay Banin, Meryem Beklioglu, Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze, Angel Borja, Paulo Branco, Tuba Bucak, Anthonie D. Buijse, Ana Cristina Cardoso, Raoul-Marie Couture, Fabien Cremona, Dick de Zwart, Christian K. Feld, Teresa Ferreira, Heidrun Feuchtmayr, Mark O. Gessner, Alexander Gieswein, Lidija Globevnik, Daniel Graeber, Wolfram Graf, Cayetano Gutiérrez-Cánovas, Jenica Hanganu, Ugur Iskin, Marko Järvinen, Erik Jeppesen, Niina Kotamäki, Marijn Kuijper, Jan U. Lemm, Shenglan Lu, Anne Lyche Solheim, Ute Mischke, Jannicke Moe, Peeter Noges, Tiina Noges, Steve J. Ormerod, Yiannis Panagopoulos, Geoff Phillips, Leo Posthuma, Sarai Pouso, Christel Prudhomme, Katri Rankinen, Jes J. Rasmussen, Jessica Richardson, Alban Sagouis, José Maria Santos, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, Rafaela Schinegger, Stefan Schmutz, Susanne C. Schneider, Lisa Schülting, Pedro Segurado, Kostas Stefanidis, Bernd Sures, Stephen J. Thackeray, Jarno Turunen, María C. Uyarra, Markus Venohr, Peter Carsten von der Ohe, Nigel Willby und Daniel Hering
    Nature Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 4, Nr. 8, S. 9. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1038/s41559-020-1216-4
  • Stronger dung removal in forests compared with grassland is driven by trait composition and biomass of dung beetles.
    Jörn Buse und Martin H. Entling
    Ecological Entomology, Vol. 45, Nr. 2, S. 9. (2019)
    DOI: 10.1111/een.12793
  • Effect of matric potential and soil-water-hydrogel interactions on biohydrogel-induced soil microstructural stability.
    Christian Buchmann, Zacharias Steinmetz, Mathilde Brax, Stephan Peth und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Geoderma, Vol. 362, S. 11. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.114142
  • A new approach for repeated tip-sample relocation for AFM imaging of nano and micro sized particles and cells in liquid environment.
    Abd Alaziz Abu Quba, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Mariam Karagulyan und Dörte Diehl
    Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 211, S. 8. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2020.112945
  • Influence of the physico-chemical properties of root mucilage and model substances on the microstructural stability of sand.
    Mathilde Brax, Christian Buchmann, Kilian G. J. Kenngott, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann und Dörte Diehl
    Biogeochemistry, Vol. 147, Nr. 1, S. 18. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10533-019-00626-w
  • Fungicide exposure induces sensitivity differences in aquatic life stages of European common frogs (Rana temporaria).
    Elena Adams und Carsten A. Brühl
    Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 54, Nr. 3, S. 6. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1670/19-004
  • Fear for Hunger not for COVID-19 in Kenya.
    Rowan Alumasa Alusiola
    Friedensakademie-Blog, (2020)
  • Expert Roundtable Discussion: Formalisation Processes in Extractive Sectors as Part of State- and Peacebuidling Strategies - Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, University of Koblenz-Landau, 27-28 February 2020.
    Christina Ankenbrand und Zabrina Welter
    Friedens-Warte. Journal of International Peace and Organization, Vol. 93, Nr. 3-4, (2020)
  • Forest streams are important sources for nitrous oxide emissions.
    Joachim Audet, David Bastviken, Mirco Bundschuh, Ishi Buffame, Alexander Feckler, Leif Klemedtsson, Hjalmar Laudon, Stefan Löfgren, Sivakiruthika Natchimuthu, Mats Öquist, Mike Peacock und Marcus B. Wallin
    Global Change Biology, Vol. 26, Nr. 2, S. 13. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14812
  • Comunidades emocionales y transformación social. El carácter político de la energía emocional..
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Olivia López Sánchez und Rocío Enríquez Rosas
    Gestión emocional en procesos migratorios, políticos y de organización colectiva en Latinoamérica y México (Colección emociones e interdisciplina ; 6), (2020)
    DOI: 10.2307/j.ctv1tcf2qw
  • Formalization as a Tool for Environmental Peacebuilding? Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
    Christina Ankenbrand, Zabrina Welter und Nina Engwicht
    International Affairs, Vol. 97, Nr. 1, (2021)
    DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiaa199
  • Migration und Geschlecht – Diskursive Wende im Zeichen postkolonialer und rassismuskritischer Perspektiven.
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Seukwa Louis Henri und Uta Wagner
    Pädagogik angesichts von Vulnerabilität und Exklusion, (2021)
    DOI: 10.3726/b17793
  • Differing impacts of two major plant invaders on urban plant-dwelling spiders (Araneae) during flower season..
    Tobias Bauer, Daria Bäte, Florian Kempfer und Jens Schirmel
    Biological Invasions, Vol. 23, Nr. 5, S. 13. (2021)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10530-020-02452-w
  • Indirect herbicide effects on biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and interactions with global changes.
    Carsten A. Brühl und Johann G. Zaller
    Herbicides: chemistry, efficacy, toxicology, and environmental impacts, (2021)
    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823674-1.00005-5
  • Bottom-up effects of fungicides on tadpoles of the European common frog (Rana temporaria).
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, Theo Wernicke, Marco Konschak, Leon Werner, Carsten A. Brühl, Patrick Baudy und Ralf Schulz
    Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 11, Nr. 9, S. 13. (2021)
    DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7332
  • Extractive industries and human security: An overview.
    Filipe Calvao, Christina Ankenbrand, Mirjam A. F. Ros-Tonen und Michael D. Beevers
    Extractive Industries and Society, Vol. 8, Nr. 4, S. 5. (2021)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.exis.2021.101007
  • The effectiveness of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control, pollination services and crop yield: a quantitative synthesis.
    Matthias Albrecht, David Kleijn, Neal M. Williams, Matthias Tschumi, Brett R. Blaauw, Riccardo Bommarco, Alistair J. Campbell, Matteo Dainese, Francis A. Drummond, Martin H. Entling, Dominik Ganser, G. Arjen de Groot, Dave Goulson, Heather Grab, Hannah Hamilton, Felix Herzog, Rufus Isaacs, Katja Jacot, Philippe Jeanneret, Mattias Jonsson, Eva Knop, Claire Kremen, Douglas A. Landis, Gregory M. Loeb, Lorenzo Marini, Megan McKerchar, Lora Morandin, Sonja C. Pfister, Simon G. Potts, Maj Rundlof, Hillary Sardinas, Amber Sciligo, Carsten Thies, Teja Tscharntke, Eric Venturini, Eve Veromann, Ines M. G. Vollhardt, Felix Wackers, Kimiora Ward, Andrew Wilby, Megan Woltz, Steve Wratten und Louis Sutter
    Ecology Letters, Vol. 23, Nr. 10, S. 11. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1111/ele.13576
  • Natural TiO2-Nanoparticles in Soils: A Review on Current and Potential Extraction Methods.
    Daniel Campos, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann und Allan Philippe
    Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 52, Nr. 4, S. 21. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1080/10408347.2020.1823812
  • (Mikro-)Plastik im Boden.
    Elke Brandes, Melanie Braun, Matthias C. Rillig, Eva F. Leifheit, Zacharias Steinmetz, Peter Fiener und Daniela Thomas
    Bodenschutz, Vol. 2020, Nr. 3, S. 5. (2020)
    DOI: 10.37307/j.1868-7741.2020.03.10
  • Insights into aphid prey consumption by ladybirds: Optimising field sampling methods and primer design for high throughput sequencing.
    Lolita Ammann, Rosemary Moorhouse-Gann, Jordan Cuff, Colette Bertrand, Laia Mestre, Nicolas Perez Hidalgo, Amy Ellison, Felix Herzog, Martin H. Entling, Matthias Albrecht und William O. C. Symondson
    PLOS One, Vol. 15, Nr. 7, S. 20. (2020)
    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235054
  • Projektverbund Climate Change Education.
    Svenja Brockmüller, Daniel Volz, Alexander Siegmund, n e.V. c netzwerk und Thinkfarm e.V o
    Zukunftsfähige Hochschule gestalten. Beispiele des Gelingens aus Lehre, Forschung, Betrieb, Governance und Transfer, (2018)
  • Reducing management intensity and isolation as promising tools to enhance ground-dwelling arthropod diversity in urban grasslands.
    Sascha Buchholz, Karsten Hannig, Maria Möller und Jens Schirmel
    Urban Ecosystems, Vol. 21, (2018)
    DOI: 10.1007/s11252-018-0786-2
  • Flower strip networks offer promising long term effects on pollinator species richness in intensively cultivated agricultural areas.
    Constanze Buhk, Rainer Oppermann, Arno Schanowski, Richard Bleil, Julian Lüdemann und Christian Maus
    BMC Ecology, Vol. 18, Nr. 1, (2018)
    DOI: 10.1186/s12898-018-0210-z
  • Novel methods and the results of landscape research in Europe, Central Asia and Sibiria.
    Constanze Buhk, Lothar Mueller und Viktor G. Seychev
    DOI: 10.25680/6737.2018.34.12.082
  • Assessment of a Solid-State Phosphate Selective Electrode Based on Tungsten.
    Guozhu Chen, Shangbin Xiao, Andreas Lorke, Jia Liu und Peng Zhang
    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 165, Nr. 16, (2018)
    DOI: 10.1149/2.0101816jes
  • Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources.
    Werner Brack, Valeria Dulio, Marlene Agerstrand, Ian Allan, Rolf Altenburger, Markus Brinkmann, Dirk Bunke, Robert M. Burgess, Ian Cousins, Beate I. Escher, Félix J. Hernández, Mark Hewitt, Klára Hilscherová, Juliane Hollender, Henner Hollert, Robert Kase, Bernd Klauer, Claudia Lindim, David López Herráez, Cécil Miège, John Munthe, Simon O'Toole, Leo Posthuma, Heinz Rüdel, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, Manfred Sengl, Foppe Smedes, Dik van de Meent, Paul J. van den Brink, Jos van Gils, Annemarie P. van Wezel, Dick Vethaak, Etienne L. M. Vermeirssen, Peter C. von der Ohe und Branislav Vrana
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 576, S. 18. (2016)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.104
  • Arbeitskreis: Lehr-Lern-Labore Mathematik.
    Ann-Katrin Brüning, Katja Lengnink und Jürgen Roth
    GDM-Mitteilungen, Nr. 102, (2017)
  • Cross continental increase in methane ebullition under climate change.
    Ralf C. H. Aben, Nathan Barros, Ellen van Donk, Thijs Frenken, Sabine Hilt, Garabet Kazanjian, Leon P. M. Lamers, Edwin T. H. M. Peeters, Jan G. M. Roelofs, Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis, Susanne Stephan, Mandy Velthuis, Dedmer B. Van de Waal, Martin Wik, Brett F. Thornton, Jeremy Wilkinson, Tonya DelSontro und Sarian Kosten
    Nature Communications, Vol. 8, Nr. 1, (2017)
    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01535-y
  • Environmental toxicology in the regulation of chemicals.
    A. Alix, Mirco Bundschuh, K. De Schamphelaere und J.-J. Ortega-Calvo
    Open Access Government, (2017)
  • The effect of pH modification on wetting kinetics of a naturally water-repellent coniferous forest soil.
    A. Amer, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann und Dörte Diehl
    European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 68, Nr. 3, (2017)
    DOI: 10.1111/ejss.12419
  • Food-related exposure to systemic pesticides and pesticides from transgenic plants: evaluation of aquatic test strategies.
    Rebecca Bundschuh, Mirco Bundschuh, Mathias Otto und Ralf Schulz
    Environmental Sciences Europe, Vol. 31, Nr. 1, S. 13. (2019)
    DOI: 10.1186/s12302-019-0266-1
  • Nanoparticles transported from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems via emerging aquatic insects compromise subsidy quality.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Dominic Englert, Ricki R. Rosenfeldt, Rebecca Bundschuh, Alexander Feckler, Simon Lüderwald, Frank Seitz, Jochen P. Zubrod und Ralf Schulz
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, (2019)
    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52096-7
  • Gel formation mechanism and gel properties controlled by Ca2+ in chia seed mucilage and model substances.
    Mathilde Brax, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann und Dörte Diehl
    Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Vol. 182, Nr. 1, S. 12. (2018)
    DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201800430
  • The swelling of interparticulate hydrogels in soil and their contribution to soil structural stability and soil-water interactions.
    Christian Buchmann
  • The contribution of various organic matter fractions to soil-water interactions and structural stability of an agriculturally cultivated soil.
    Christian Buchmann und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Vol. 181, Nr. 4, S. 14. (2018)
    DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201700437
  • Arbeitskreis: Lehr-Lern-Labore Mathematik: Herbsttagung in Leipzig, 20.−21.10.2017.
    Ann-Katrin Brüning, Katja Lengnink und Jürgen Roth
    GDM-Mitteilungen, Vol. 104, S. 2. (2018)
  • Nanoparticles in the environment: where do we come from, where do we go to?.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Juliane Filser, Moira McKee, George Metreveli, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Ralf Schulz, Stephan Wagner und Simon Lüderwald
    Environmental Sciences Europe, Vol. 30, Nr. 1, S. 17. (2018)
    DOI: 10.1186/s12302-018-0132-6
  • Ion-induced modification of the sucrose network and its impact on melting of freeze-dried liposomes. DSC and molecular dynamics study.
    Danijela Bakaric, Petrov Drazen, Yamuna Kunhi Mouvenchery, Stefan Heißler, Chris Oostenbrink und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, Vol. 210, S. 9. (2018)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2017.11.015
  • European common frog Rana temporaria (Anura: Ranidae) larvae show subcellular responses under field-relevant Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) exposure levels.
    Stefanie Allgeier, Bianca Frombold, Valentin Mingo und Carsten A. Brühl
    Environmental Research, Vol. 162, (2018)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2018.01.010
  • Resilience in environmental risk and impact assessment: concepts and measurement.
    D.G. Angeler, C.R. Allen, A. Garmestani, K.L. Pope, D. Twidwell und Mirco Bundschuh
    Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 101, (2018)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00128-018-2467-5
  • Validation of a Simple and Reliable Method for the Determination of Aflatoxins in Soil and Food Matrices.
    Julius Albert, Camilla A. More, Niklaus R. P. Dahlke, Zacharias Steinmetz, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann und Katherine Munoz-Sepulveda
    ACS Omega, Vol. 6, Nr. 29, (2021)
    DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c01451
  • Microplastic Spectral Classification Needs an Open Source Community: Open Specy to the Rescue!.
    Win Cowger, Zacharias Steinmetz, Andrew Gray, Keenan Munno, Jennifer Lynch, Hannah Hapich, Sebastian Primpke, Hannah De Frond, Chelsea Rochman und Orestis Herodotou
    Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 93, Nr. 21, S. 6. (2021)
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c00123
  • Distribution, behavior, and erosion of uranium in vineyard soils.
    Daniel A. Campos, Sophia Blanché, Hermann F. Jungkunst und Allan Philippe
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 28, Nr. 38, S. 12. (2021)
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-14381-9
  • Funding for Forest Conservation - Trends During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
    Rowan Alumasa Alusiola
    Peace Perspectives No. 1 (2021): Peace and the Pandemic - International Perspectives on Social Polarization and Cohesion in Times of COVID-19, (2021)
  • REDD+ Conflict: Understanding the Pathways Between Forest Projects and Social Conflict.
    Rowan Alumasa Alusiola, Janpeter Schilling und Paul Klär
    Forests, Vol. 12, Nr. 6, S. 22. (2021)
    DOI: 10.3390/f12060748
  • Emotional Communities als Raum für Bildungsprozesse.
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Matthias Huber und Sabine Krause
    Bildung und Emotion, (2018)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-18589-3_22
  • Prozessbegleitende Diagnose beim Mathematiklernen - Kompetenzentwicklung von Lehramtsstudierenden im Rahmen von Lehr-Lern-Laboren.
    Marie-Elene Bartel, Ann-Katrin Beretz, Katja Lengnink und Jürgen Roth
    MNU Journal, Vol. 71, Nr. 5, (2018)
  • Studierende bearbeiten Video- bzw. Transkriptvignetten.
    Marie-Elene Bartel und Jürgen Roth
    Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018, (2018)
  • Bedienen - Problemlösen - Reflektieren - Beim Arbeiten mit digitalen Werkzeugen strategisch vorgehen.
    Bärbel Barzel und Jürgen Roth
    mathematik lehren, Nr. 211, (2018)
  • How does changing pesticide usage over time affect migrating amphibians: a case study on the use of glyphosate-based herbicides in German agriculture over 20 years.
    Gert Berger, Frieder Graef, Bernhard Pallut, Jörg Hoffmann, Carsten A. Brühl und Norman Wagner
    Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol. 6, (2018)
    DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00006
  • Towards stressor-specific macroinvertebrate indices: Which traits and taxonomic groups are associated with vulnerable and tolerant taxa?.
    Elisabeth Berger, Peter Haase, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer und Andrea Sundermann
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 619-620, (2018)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.022
  • Überzeugungen von Lehrkräften zu arithmetischen Anschauungsmitteln und deren Einsatz im Anfangsunterricht.
    K. Bitzer, C. Rechtsteiner-Merz und S. Schuler
    Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht, (2018)
  • Cleaning and sampling protocol for analysis of mercury and dissolved organic matter in freshwater systems.
    Andrea G. Bravo, Dolly N. Kothawala, Katrin Attermeyer, Emmanuel Tessier, Pascal Bodmer und David Amouroux
    MethodsX, Vol. 5, (2018)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2018.08.002
  • The interplay between total mercury, methylmercury and dissolved organic matter in fluvial systems: A latitudinal study across Europe.
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  • Synthesis, characterization, and ecotoxicity of CeO2 nanoparticles with differing properties.
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  • Begriffsbildungsprozesse von Schüler/innen mit Videovignetten diagnostizieren und unterstützen.
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  • Diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden fördern - Das Videotool ViviAn.
    Marie-Elene Bartel, Jürgen Roth, J, Leuders, M. Lehn, T. Leuders, S. Ruwisch und S. Prediger
    Mit Heterogenität im Mathematikunterricht umgehen lernen - Konzepte und Perspektiven für eine zentrale Anforderung an die Lehrerbildung, (2017)
  • Vignetten zur Diagnose und Unterstützung von Begriffsbildungsprozessen.
    Marie-Elene Bartel und Jürgen Roth
    Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2017, (2017)
  • The former Iron Curtain still drives biodiversity–profit trade-offs in German agriculture.
    Peter Batary, Robert Galle, Friederike Riesch, Christina Fischer, Carsten F. Dormann, Oliver Musshoff, Silvia Fusaro, Christoph Gayer, Anne-Kathrin Happe, Kornelia Kurucz, Dorottya Molnar, Verena Roesch, Alexander Wietzke und Teja Tscharnke
    Nature Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 1, (2017)
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  • Does long-term fungicide exposure affect the reproductive performance of leaf-shredders? A partial life-cycle study using Hyalella azteca.
    Patrick Baudy, Jochen P. Zubrod, Marco Konschak, Mirco Weil, Ralf Schulz und Mirco Bundschuh
    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 222, (2017)
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  • Water quality variables and pollution sources shaping stream macroinvertebrate communities.
    Elisabeth Berger, Peter Haase, Mathias Kuemmerlen, Moritz Leps, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer und Andrea Sundermann
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 587-588, (2017)
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  • Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Partizipationsansätze innerhalb eines Citizen Science Projekts auf die Teilnehmenden.
    Josephine Berndt und Sandra Nitz
    Abstractband der 21. Internationale Tagung der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie (FDdB) im VBIO, (2017)
  • Methods to identify the prey of invertebrate predators in terrestrial field studies.
    K Birkhofer, H Bylund, P Dalin, O Ferlian, V Gagic, PA Hambäck, M Klapwijk, L Mestre, E Roubinet, M Schroeder, JA Stenberg, M Porcel, C Björkman und M Jonsson
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  • High-resolution flow characterization close to the sediment- water interface in a run of the river reservoir.
    Andreas Brand und Christian Noss
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  • Primera cita de Evippa Simon, 1882 para Europa occidental y descripción del macho de Evippa kirchshoferae Roewer, 1959 (Araneae: Lycosidae)..
    JA Barrientos, J Miñano und Laia Mestre
    Revista Ibérica de Aracnología, Vol. 27, (2015)
  • Diagnostische Kompetenz durch Videovignetten fördern..
    Marie-Elene Bartel, Jürgen Roth, F. Caluori, H. Linneweber-Lammerskitten und C. Streit
    Beiträge zum Mathematikuntericht 2015, (2015)
  • Water percolation through the root-soil interface.
    Pascal Benard, Eva Kroener, Peter Vontobel, Anders Kaestner und Andrea Carminati
    Advances in Water Resources, (2016)
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  • Effect‐directed identification of endocrine disruptors in plastic baby teethers.
    Elisabeth Berger, Theodoros Potouridis, Astrid Haeger, Wilhelm Püttmann und Martin Wagner
    Journal of Applied Toxicology, Vol. 35, Nr. 11, (2015)
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  • Das Grundwasser: Strukturen, Prozesse und Funktionen.
    S. E. Berkhoff, J. Bork, H.J. Hahn, J. Marxsen, S. I. Schmidt und C. Spengler
    Grundwassergeprägte Lebensräume, (2015)
  • An automated, objective and open source tool for stream threshold selection and upstream riparian corridor delineation.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik, Markus Metz und Ralf Bernhard Schäfer
    Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 63, (2015)
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  • Large Scale Relationship between Aquatic Insect Traits and Climate.
    A. K. Bhowmik und Ralf Bernhard Schäfer
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  • Effect of fluctuating oxygen concentration on iron oxidation at the pelagic ferrocline of a meromictic lake.
    J. Bravidor, Julika Kreling, Andreas Lorke und M. Koschorreck
    Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 12, Nr. 6, (2015)
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  • Protection of Biodiversity in the Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Pesticides (Plant Protection Products & Biocides) with a Focus on Arthropods, Soil Organisms and Amphibians.
    Carsten A. Brühl, Annika Alscher, Melanie Hahn, Gert Berger, Claudia Bethwell, Frieder Graef, Thomas Schmidt und Brigitte Weber
  • Bedeutung des hyporheischen Interstitials für den Stoffhaushalt von Fliessgewässern.
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  • Das hyporheische Interstitial von Fliessgewässern: Strukturen, Prozesse und Funktionen.
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  • Effects of a major tree invader on urban woodland arthropods.
    S Buchholz, H Tietze, I Kowarik und J Schirmel
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  • Characterization of wet aggregate stability of soils by 1H-NMR relaxometry.
    Christian Buchmann, Maximilan Meyer und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
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  • Development of phytotoxicity and composition of a soil treated with olive mill wastewater (OMW): An incubation study.
    Christian Buchmann, Andreas Felten, Benjamin Peikert, Katherine Munoz-Sepulveda, Nicole Bandow, Arnon Dag und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
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  • Intrinsic and model polymer hydrogel-induced soil structural stability of a silty sand soil as affected by soil moisture dynamics.
    Christian Buchmann, Jonas Bentz und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
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  • Hybridisation boosts the invasion of an alien species complex: Insights into future invasiveness.
    Constanze Buhk und Anne Thielsch
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  • Acute Toxicity and Environmental Risks of Five Veterinary Pharmaceuticals for Aquatic Macroinvertebrates.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Torsten Hahn, Bert Ehrlich, Sibylla Höltge, Robert Kreuzig und Ralf Schulz
    Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 96, Nr. 2, S. 5. (2015)
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  • Addendum to the article: Misuse of null hypothesis significance testing: would estimation of positive and negative predictive values improve certainty of chemical risk assessment?.
    Mirco Bundschuh, M.C. Newman, Jochen P. Zubrod, Frank Seitz, Ricki R. Rosenfeldt und Ralf Schulz
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 22, (2015)
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  • Effects of two sorbents applied to mercury contaminated river sediments on bioaccumulation in and detrital processing by Hyalella azteca.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, Frank Seitz und M.C. Newman
    Journal of Soils and Sediments, Vol. 15, (2015)
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  • Pesticide runoff from energy crops: A threat to aquatic invertebrates?.
    Katja Bunzel, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, Daniela Thrän und M. Kattwinkel
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 537, (2015)
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  • Beyond Principles vs Politics. Humanitarian Aid in the European Union. ARENA Working Paper. 11/2014.
    Charlotte Dany
  • Representativeness impacts on accuracy and precision of climate spatial interpolation in data-scarce regions.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik und Ana Cristina Costa
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  • Data Scarcity or low Representativeness?: What hinders accuracy and precision of spatial interpolation of climate data?.
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  • Interaction of engineered nanoparticles with environmental and model surfaces.
    Priya Mary Abraham
  • Sorption of untreated and humic acid coated silver nanoparticles to environmental and model surfaces.
    Priya Mary Abraham, Thomas Baumann und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, (2014)
  • Chinese urbanites and the preservation of rare species in remote parts of the country – The example of eaglewood.
    Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, G. Langenberger und S. Pelz
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  • Mucilage exudation facilitates root water uptake in dry soils.
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  • Fate and effects of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in the aquatic environment: A review.
    Lutz Ahrens und Mirco Bundschuh
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  • "Endlich kann ich so rechnen wie ich denke"- SINUS-Arbeit im Saarland.
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  • Proton transfer processes in polar regions of humic substances initiated by aqueous aluminum cation bridges: A computational study.
    Adélia J. A. Aquino, Daniel Tunega, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Georg Haberhauer, Martin H. Gerzabek und Hans Lischka
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  • In conclusion.
    Mirco Bundschuh
    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 33, Nr. 11, (2014)
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  • The Challenge: Chemical and ecotoxicological characterization of wastewater treatment plant effluents.
    Mirco Bundschuh
    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 33, Nr. 11, (2014)
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  • Landscape parameters driving aquatic pesticide exposure and effects.
    Katja Bunzel, Matthias Liess und M. Kattwinkel
    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 186, (2014)
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  • Die Dungkäfer einer halboffenen Weidelandschaft mit einer Dauerbeweidung durch Rinder und Pferde.
    Jörn Buse, Bastian Herrmann und Sven Roth
    Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv, Vol. 51, (2014)
  • Effects of repeated salt pulses on ecosystem structure and functions in a stream mesocosm.
    Miguel Canedo-Argüelles, Mirco Bundschuh, Cayetano Gutiérrez-Cánovas, Ben J. Kefford, Narcis Prat, Rosa Trobajo und Ralf Bernhard Schäfer
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 476477, (2014)
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  • Ein Vergleich zur Entwicklung des Frauenfußballs zwischen Deutschland und Brasilien. Teil 2: Wendepunkte, Entwicklungsstand heute und aktuelle Herausforderungen.
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  • Professionswissen von Physiklehrkräften und Schülerleistung.
    Eva Cauet, Sven Liepertz, Andreas Borowski und Hans E. Fischer
  • High yield preparation of all-organic raspberry-like particles by heterocoagulation via hydrogen bonding interaction.
    Marion Chenal, Jutta Rieger, Allan Philippe und Laurent Bouteiller
    Polymer, Vol. 55, Nr. 16, (2014)
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  • Hydration and water holding properties of cross-linked lignite humic acids.
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    Geoderma, Vol. 230-231, (2014)
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  • Effect of heating time and temperature on the chemical characteristics of biochar from poultry manure.
    Giulia Cimò, Jiri Kucerik, Anne E. Berns, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Giuseppe Alonzo und Pellegrino Conte
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 62, Nr. 8, (2014)
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  • Conservation of threatened habitat types under future climate change – lessons from plant-distribution models and current extinction trends in southern Germany.
    Jörn Buse, Steffen Boch, Jörg Hilgers und Eva Maria Griebeler
    Journal for Nature Conservation, Vol. 27, (2015)
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  • Relative importance of pasture size and grazing continuity for the long-term conservation of European dung beetles.
    Jörn Buse, Martin Slachta, Frantisek X.J. Sladecek, Markus Pung, Thomas Wagner und Martin H. Entling
    Biological Conservation, Vol. 187, (2015)
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  • Wiederfund von Aphodius (Sigorus) porcus (FABRICIUS, 1792) und Aphodius (Melinopterus) consputus CREUTZER, 1799, in Rheinland-Pfalz (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).
    Jörn Buse und Mathias Görtz
    Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, Vol. 13, (2015)
  • Does it Matter What We Measure? Domain-specific Professional Knowledge of Physics Teachers.
    Eva Cauet, Sven Liepertz, Kirschner Sophie, Andreas Borowski und Hans E. Fischer
    Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften, Vol. 37, Nr. 3, S. 18. (2015)
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  • Schülerfachwissenstest Fach Physik.
    Eva Cauet
  • Testen wir relevantes Wissen? -Professionswissen von Physiklehrkräften-.
    Eva Cauet, Andreas Borowski und Hans E. Fischer
    Heterogenität und Diversität - Vielfalt der Voraussetzungen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, Jahrestagung in Bremen 2014, (2015)
  • Special Issue on fate and transport of biocolloids and nanoparticles in soil and groundwater systems Preface.
    Constantinos V. Chrysikopoulos, Thomas Baumann und Markus Flury
    Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 181, (2015)
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  • Biomonitoring using dried blood spots: Detection of ochratoxin A and its degradation product 2'R-ochratoxin A in blood from coffee drinkers.
    B. Cramer, B. Osteresch, Katherine Munoz-Sepulveda, H. Hillmann, W. Sibrowski und H. U. Humpf
    Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, Vol. 59, Nr. 9, (2015)
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  • Politicization of Humanitarian Aid in the European Union.
    Charlotte Dany
    European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 20, Nr. 3, (2015)
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  • Energy crops and pesticide contamination: Lessons learnt from the development of energy crop cultivation in Germany.
    Katja Bunzel, M. Kattwinkel, Monika Schauf und Daniela Thrän
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  • Statistics matter: data aggregation improves identification of community-level effects compared to a commonly used multivariate method.
    Mikhail A. Beketov, M. Kattwinkel und Matthias Liess
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  • Sediment Toxicity Testing for Prospective Risk Assessment—A New Framework and How to Establish It.
    M. A. Beketov, N. Cedergreen, L. Y. Wick, M. Kattwinkel, Sabine Duquesne und Matthias Liess
    Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Vol. 19, Nr. 1, (2013)
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  • Current-use pesticides in stream water and suspended particles following runoff: Exposure, effects, and mitigation requirements.
    R. Bereswill, M. Streloke und Ralf Schulz
    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 32, (2013)
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  • Space-Time Variability of Summer Temperature Field over Bangladesh during 1948-2007.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik, Pedro Cabral, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Misra, Maurizio Carlini, Carmelo M. Torre, Hong-Quang Nguyen, David Taniar, Bernady O. Apduhan und Osvaldo Gervasi
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39649-6_9
  • Temporal Patterns of the Two-Dimensional Spatial Trends in Summer Temperature and Monsoon Precipitation of Bangladesh.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik
    ISRN Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 2013, (2013)
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  • Agroecology: Trait composition, spatial relationships, trophic interactions.
    Klaus Birkhofer, Martin H. Entling und Yael Lubin
    Spider Research in the 21st Century, (2013)
  • Methods for analysis of citrinin in human blood and urine.
    M Blaszkewicz, Katherine Munoz-Sepulveda und GH Degen
    Archives of Toxicology, Nr. 87, (2013)
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  • Pflanzenschutzmittel gefährden Frösche- Die ungeprüfte Wirkung von Agrarchemikalien auf Amphibien..
    Carsten A. Brühl
    Natur und Landwirtschaft, naturmagazin, Vol. 3, (2013)
  • Terrestrial pesticide exposure of amphibians: An underestimated cause of global decline?.
    Carsten A. Brühl, Thomas Schmidt, Silvia Pieper und Annika Alscher
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 3, (2013)
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  • Losing uniqueness - shifts in carabid species composition during dry grassland and heathland succession.
    Sascha Buchholz, Karsten Hannig und Jens Schirmel
    Animal Conservation, Vol. 16, (2013)
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  • Verstehen auf der Grundlage von Erfahrung - Wie mithilfe der Theorie des erfahrungsbasierten Verstehens typische Lernschwierigkeiten in geowissenschaftlichen Kontexten interpretiert und prognostiziert werden können.
    Dominik Conrad, Thomas Basten und Dirk Felzmann
    Zeitschrift für Geographiedidaktik, Vol. 42, Nr. 3, (2014)
  • Habitat amount modulates the effect of patch isolation on host-parasitoid interactions.
    Valérie Coudrain, Christof Schüepp, Felix Herzog, Matthias Albrecht und Martin H. Entling
    Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol. 2, (2014)
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  • Janus-faced NGO Participation in Global Governance: Structural Constraints for NGO Influence.
    Charlotte Dany
    Global Governance : A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizationsal Organizations, Vol. 20, Nr. 3, (2014)
  • Historical Irrigated Meadows at the River Queich, Rhineland-Palatinate.
    Martin Alt, Constanze Buhk, Dörte Diehl, Rebekka Gerlach, Isabell Rudolph, Jens Schirmel, Kathrin Theissinger und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Berichte der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, (2013)
  • Misuse of null hypothesis significance testing: would estimation of positive and negative predictive values improve certainty of chemical risk assessment?.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Michael C. Newman, Jochen P. Zubrod, Frank Seitz, Ricki R. Rosenfeldt und Ralf Schulz
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 20, Nr. 10, (2013)
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  • Industries’ Location as Jeopardy for Sustainable Urban Development in Asia: A Review of the Bangladesh Leather Processing Industry Relocation Plan.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik
    Environment and Urbanization Asia, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, (2013)
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  • Cyclone Sidr Impacts on the Sundarbans Floristic Diversity.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik und Pedro Cabral
    Earth Science Research, Vol. 2, Nr. 2, (2013)
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  • Interaction of silver nanoparticles with environmental and model surfaces.
    Priya Mary Abraham, Sandra Barnikol, Thomas Baumann, Melanie Kuehn und Natalia Ivleva
    Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 47, Nr. 10, (2013)
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  • How do Beijing Residents Value Environmental Improvements in Remote Parts of China.
    Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, J. Luo, S. Pelz und T. Jiang
    Advances in Climate Change Research, Vol. 4, Nr. 3, (2013)
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  • The effects of extrinsic incentives on respondent behaviour in contingent valuation studies.
    Michael Ahlheim, T. Börger und Oliver Frör
    Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Vol. 2, Nr. 1, (2013)
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  • Simulating small-scale climate change effects–lessons from a short-term field manipulation experiment on grassland arthropods.
    Sascha Buchholz, Dorothea Rolfsmeyer und Jens Schirmel
    Insect Science, Vol. 20, (2013)
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  • Do differences in sensitivity between native and invasive amphipods explain their coexistence in Lake Constance? A case study with lambda-cyhalothrin.
    Mirco Bundschuh, René Gergs, S. Schadt und Ralf Schulz
    Chemosphere, Vol. 92, (2013)
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  • Effects of peak exposure scenarios on Gammarus fossarum using field relevant pesticide mixtures.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, Patricia Klemm, David Elsaesser, C. Stang und Ralf Schulz
    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Vol. 95, (2013)
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  • Effects of organic pollutants from wastewater treatment plants on aquatic invertebrate communities.
    Katja Bunzel, M. Kattwinkel und Matthias Liess
    Water Research, Vol. 47, Nr. 2, (2013)
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  • Die Dungkäfer einer neu eingerichteten Waldweide bei St. Martin in der Pfalz.
    Jörn Buse, Carolin Heinrich, Siegfried Weiter und Martin H. Entling
    Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv, Vol. 50, (2013)
  • Rising temperatures explain past immigration of the thermophilic oak-inhabiting beetle Coraebus florentinus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in south-west Germany.
    Jörn Buse, Eva Maria Griebeler und Manfred Niehuis
    Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol. 22, (2013)
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  • Wood-inhabiting beetles (Coleoptera) associated with oaks in a global biodiversity hotspot: a case study and checklist for Israel.
    Jörn Buse, Thorsten Assmann, Ariel-Leib-Leonid Friedman, Oz Rittner und Tomas Pavlicek
    Insect Conservation and Diversity, Vol. 6, (2013)
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  • Salinisation of rivers: an urgent ecological issue.
    Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles, Ben Kefford, Christophe Piscart, Narcis Prat, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer und Claus-Jürgen Schulz
    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 173, (2013)
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  • Effects of habitat fragmentation on abundance, larval food and parasitism of a spider-hunting wasp.
    V Coudrain, F Herzog und Martin H. Entling
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  • A transplantation experiment along climatic gradients suggests limitations of experimental warming manipulations.
    Sabrina Backhaus, Jürgen Kreyling, Carl Beierkuhnlein, Constanze Buhk, Laura Nagy, Daniel Thiel und Anke Jentsch
    Climate Research, Vol. 60, (2014)
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  • Koloniale Muster geschlechtsspezifischer Berufsorientierung.
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Frauke Meyer, Karin Hostettler und Sophie Vögele
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  • Risk mitigation measures for diffuse pesticide entry into aquatic ecosystems: proposal of a guide to identify appropriate measures on a catchment scale.
    R. Bereswill, M. Streloke und Ralf Schulz
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  • Reproducible, Automated and Objective Stream Threshold Selection and Upstream Riparian Corridor Delineation from Digital Elevation Models.
    A. K. Bhowmik, M. Metz und Ralf Bernhard Schäfer
    Computing for Geospatial Research and Application (COM.Geo), (2014)
  • Knowing the risk: crickets distinguish between spider predators of different size and commonness.
    Helena Binz, Roman Bucher, Martin H. Entling und Florian Menzel
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  • Arachnida - Spinnentiere: Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones..
    Theo Blick, Martin H. Entling, Michael-Andreas Fritze, Christoph Muster, Marc Schneider und Dieter Weber
    Annales Scientifiques de la Réserve de Biosphère transfrontalière Vosges du Nord-Pfälzerwald, Vol. 17, (2014)
  • Effects of spider chemotactile cues on arthropod behaviour.
    Roman Bucher, Helena Binz, Florian Menzel und Martin H. Entling
    Journal of Insect Behavior, Vol. 27, (2014)
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  • Spider cues stimulate feeding, weight gain and survival of crickets.
    Roman Bucher, Hellena Binz, Florian Menzel und Martin H. Entling
    Ecological Entomology, Vol. 39, (2014)
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  • One Effect to Rule Them All? A Comment on Climate and Conflict.
    Halvard Buhaug, Jonas Nordkvelle, Thomas Bernauer, Tobias Böhmelt, Michael Brzoska, Joshua W. Busby, Antonio Ciccone, Hanne Fjelde, Erik Gartzke, Nils P. Gleditsch, Jack Goldstone, Havard Hegre, Helge Holtermann, Vally Koubi, Jasmin Link, Peter Michael Link, Päivi Lujala, John O’Loughlin, Clionadh Raleigh, Jürgen Scheffran, Janpeter Schilling, Todd G. Smith, Ole M. Theisen, Richard Tol, Henrik Urdal und Nina von Uexkull
    Climatic Change, Vol. 127, (2014)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1266-1
  • Evaluation of pesticide monitoring strategies in agricultural streams based on the toxic-unit concept — Experiences from long-term measurements.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Willem Goedkoop und Jenny Kreuger
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 484, S. 8. (2014)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.03.015
  • Musterfolgeaktivitäten für GrundschülerInnen und Studierende.
    Judith Ames
    Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2013, (2013)
  • Self-DefenceIT – Migrant women defend themselves against violence in new media.
    ANTIGONE's Team, Patricia Baquero Torres, Karin Eble, Assimina Gouma, Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Valentina Longo und Silvina Monteros Obelar
  • Historisch alte Waldstandorte: Bedeutung und Wert von Lebensraumkontinuität für Tiere.
    Thorsten Assmann, Jörn Buse, Petra Dieker, Claudia Drees, Britta Eggers, Ingmar Harry, Katharina Homburg, Harald Krause, Andrea Matern, Andreas Schuldt und Angela Taboada
    Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt, Vol. 131, (2013)
  • A new bioassay for the ecotoxicological testing of VOCs on groundwater invertebrates and the effects of toluene on Niphargus inopinatus.
    M. Avramov, Susanne I. Schmidt und Christian Griebler
    Aquatic Toxicology, Vol. 130-131, (2013)
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  • Phytoplankton food quality effects on gammarids: benthic-pelagic coupling mediated by an invasive freshwater clam.
    T. Basen, René Gergs, K.O. Rothhaupt und D. Martin-Creuzburg
    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 70, Nr. 2, (2013)
    DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2012-0188
  • Didaktische Rekonstruktion.
    Thomas Basten, Dominik Conrad, Dirk Felzmann, Dieter Böhn und Gabriele Obermaier
    Wörterbuch der Geographiedidaktik, (2013)
  • Erfahrungsbasiertes Verstehen.
    Thomas Basten, Dominik Conrad, Dirk Felzmann, Dieter Böhn und Gabriele Obermaier
    Wörterbuch der Geographiedidaktik, (2013)
  • Fachliche Klärung.
    Thomas Basten, Dominik Conrad, Dirk Felzmann, Dieter Böhn und Gabriele Obermaier
    Wörterbuch der Geographiedidaktik, (2013)
  • Schülerlabore Mathematik - Außerschulische Lernstandorte zum intentionalen mathematischen Lernen.
    Sabine Baum, Jürgen Roth und Rolf Oechsler
    Der Mathematikunterricht, Vol. 59, Nr. 5, (2013)
  • Pesticides reduce regional biodiversity of stream invertebrates.
    M. A. Beketov, B. J. Kefford, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer und Matthias Liess
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 110, Nr. 27, (2013)
  • Writing Histories of Intercultural Education – conceptual and theoretical Reflections.
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Heike Niedrig und Christian Ydesen
    Writing Postcolonial Histories of Intercultural Education, (2011)
    DOI: 10.3726/978-3-653-02004-5
  • Riparian quality and habitat heterogeneity assessment in Cantabrian rivers.
    José Barquín, Diego Fernández, Mario Álvarez Cabria und Francisco J. Peñas
    Limnetica, Vol. 30, Nr. 2, (2011)
  • Statistical Evaluation of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Small-Sampled Region: A Case Study of Temperature Change Phenomenon in Bangladesh.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik, Pedro Cabral, B. Mugante, O. Gervasi, A. Iglesias, D. Taniar und Bernady O. Apduhan
    Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011. ICCSA 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6782, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21928-3_4
  • Abundances of Naked Amoebae and Macroflagellates in Central New York Lakes: Possible Effects by Zebra Mussels.
    Paul J. Bischoff und Thomas G. Horvath
    Acta Protozoologica, (2011)
    DOI: 10.4467/16890027AP.11.003.0003
  • Environmental variables, pesticide pollution and meiofaunal community structure in two contrasting temporarily open/ closed False Bay estuaries.
    Silke Bollmohr, Paul J. van den Brink, Peter W. Wade, Jennifer A. Day und Ralf Schulz
    Water SA, Vol. 37, Nr. 3, (2011)
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  • Professionelle Kompetenz und Berufsidentität in integrierten und disziplinären Lehramtsstudiengängen der Naturwissenschaften [Professional competence and professional identity in teacher training programs with integrated and separate science approaches].
    D. Brovelli, A. Kauertz, M. Rehm und M. Wilhelm
    Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 17, (2011)
  • Amphibians at risk? Susceptibility of terrestrial amphibian life stages to pesticides.
    Carsten A. Brühl, Silvia Pieper und Brigitte Weber
    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 30, Nr. 11, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1002/etc.650
  • Exposure reduction of seed treatments through dehusking behaviour of the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus).
    Carsten A. Brühl, Bernd Guckenmus, Markus Ebeling und Ralf Barfknecht
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 18, Nr. 1, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-010-0351-x
  • Contrasting effects of habitat fragmentation, population density, and prey availability on body condition of two orb-weaving spiders.
    Roman Bucher und Martin H. Entling
    Ecological Entomology, Vol. 36, Nr. 6, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2011.01317.x
  • Spinnen (Araneae) in Küstendünenheiden der Insel Hiddensee (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern).
    Sascha Bucholz und Jens Schirmel
  • Incorporating classified dispersal assumptions in predictive distribution models – A case study with grasshoppers and bush-crickets.
    Joern Buse und Eva Maria Griebeler
    Ecological Modelling, Vol. 222, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.04.010
  • Neue Methoden und Forschungsansätze zur Lösung von ökologischen Fragestellungen im Kontext der Entomologie – Ergebnisse eines Treffens von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern der deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU).
    Joern Buse
  • Effects of landscape metrics and land-use variables on macroinvertebrate communities and habitat characteristics.
    Rui Cortes, Simone Varandas, Amílcar Teixeira, Samantha J. Hughes, Marco Magalhâes, José Barquín, Mario Alvarez-Cabria und Diego Fernández
    Limnetica, Vol. 30, Nr. 2, (2011)
  • Surface and Solution Behavior of Surfactants Produced from Lignite Humic Acids.
    Anna Ctvrtnickova, Martin Drastik, Jan David und Jiri Kucerik
    Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 20, Nr. 7A, (2011)
  • Biological Surface Coating and Molting Inhibition as Mechanisms of TiO2 Nanoparticle Toxicity in Daphnia magna.
    André Dabrunz, Carsten Prasse, Frank Seitz, Ricki R. Rosenfeldt, Carsten Schilde, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Ralf Schulz und Lars Duester
    PLOS One, Vol. 6, Nr. 5, (2011)
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  • Populations of weedy crop–wild hybrid beets show contrasting variation in mating system and population genetic structure.
    Jean-François Arnaud, Stéphane Fénart, Mathilde Cordellier und Joël Cuguen
    Evolutionary Applications, Vol. 3, Nr. 3, (2010)
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  • Better than their reputation: enhancing the validity of contingent valuation mail survey results through citizen expert groups.
    Michael Ahlheim, B. Ekasingh, Oliver Frör, J. Kitchaicharoen, A. Neef, A. Sangkapitux und N. Sinphurmsukskul
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol. 53, Nr. 2, (2010)
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  • Labour as a utility measure in contingent valuation studies how good is it really?.
    Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, A. Heinke, M.D. Nguyen und V.D. Pham
    FZID Discussion Papers, Universität Hohenheim, Nr. 13, (2010)
  • Influence of within-field position and adjoining habitat on carabid beetle assemblages in winter wheat.
    M. Anjum-Zubair, Martin H. Schmidt-Entling, P. Querner und T. Frank
    Agricultural and Forest Entomology, Vol. 12, Nr. 3, (2010)
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  • Nah dran ... 6. Rheinland-Pfalz. Hauswirtschaft und Sozialwesen - Technik und Naturwissenschaften - Wirtschaft und Verwaltung.
    T. Anton, C. Bauer, T. Braun, J. Gollon, U. Roos, D. Siering, Patrik Vogt und C. Weber
  • Dienstleistungen der Grundwasserökosysteme.
    M. Avramov, Susanne I. Schmidt, Christian Griebler, Hans-Jürgen Hahn und Sven Berkhoff
    Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, Vol. 2, (2010)
  • Untersuchungen zur Uran-Freisetzung sowie radiochemische Untersuchungen zur Auslaugung von Tailingmaterial aus Mailuu- Suu (Kirgisistan).
    M. Azeroual, S. Bister, M. Bunka, A. Meleshyn und R. Michel
  • Effects of habitat amount and isolation on biodiversity in fragmented traditional orchards.
    D. Bailey, Martin H. Schmidt-Entling, P. Eberhart, J. D. Herrmann, G. Hofer, U. Kormann und F. Herzog
    Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol. 47, Nr. 5, (2010)
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  • Application of nd-SPME to determine real exposure concentrations and algae water-partitioning coefficients in a cell multiplication inhibition test with green algae.
    Nicole Bandow, Rolf Altenburger und Werner Brack
    Chemosphere, Vol. 79, (2010)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.03.021
  • Proton Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry in soil science applications.
    J.V. Bayer, Fabian Jaeger und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Open Magnetic Resonance Journal, Vol. 3, Nr. open access, (2010)
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  • Comics von Superhelden: Ein Thema für den Astronomie- und Physikunterricht.
    H. Bernshausen und Jochen Kuhn
    Astronomie + Raumfahrt, Vol. 47, Nr. 1, (2010)
  • Optimized strategy of 1H and 13C solid-state NMR methods to investigate water dynamics in soil organic matter as well as the influence of crystallinity of poly(methylene) segments.
    Marko Bertmer, Alexander Jäger, Jette Schwarz und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, (2010)
  • Fehlerberechnung in Stochastischen Netzen.
    Thorsten Braun und Engelbert Niehaus
    Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht, (2010)
  • Hybridisierung. Bedeutung für Natur und evolutionsbiologische Forschung..
    N. Brede, Klaus Schwenk, Bruno Streit, A. Bartl und S. Catani
    Bastard, Figurationen des Hybriden zwischen Ausgrenzung und Entgrenzung., (2010)
  • Does shallow geothermal energy use threaten groundwater ecosystem functions?.
    Heike Brielmann, Susanne I. Schmidt, Francesco Ferraro, Kathrin Schreglmann, Christian Griebler und Tillmann Lueders
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, (2010)
  • Postkoloniale Pädagogik – Ansätze zu einer interdependenten Betrachtung von Differenz.
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Julia Reuter und Alexandra Karentzos
    Schlüsselwerke der Postcolonial Studies, (2012)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-531-93453-2_23
  • Assessing the conservation status of alder-ash alluvial forest and Atlantic salmon in the Natura 2000 river network of Cantabria, Northern Spain.
    José Barquín, Bárbara Ondiviela, Maria Recio, Mario Álvarez Cabria, Francisco J. Peñas, Diego Fernández, Andrés Gómez, César Álvarez, Jose A. Juanes, P.J. Boon und P.J Raven
    River conservation and management: 20 years on, (2012)
    DOI: 10.1002/9781119961819.ch16
  • Nah dran… 9/10 Rheinland-Pfalz. Technik und Naturwissenschaften..
    C. Bauer, J. Gollon, U. Roos und Patrik Vogt
  • Nah dran… 9/10 Rheinland-Pfalz. Technik und Naturwissenschaften – Lösungen 9/10.
    C. Bauer, J. Gollon, U. Roos und Patrik Vogt
  • Entry and toxicity of organic pesticides and copper in vineyard streams: Erosion rills jeopardise the efficiency of riparian buffer strips.
    R. Bereswill, B. Golla, M. Streloke und Ralf Schulz
    Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 148, (2012)
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  • Making It Tangible - Learning Outcomes in Science Education.
    S. Bernholt, K. Neumann und P. Nentwig
  • A Geostatistical Approach to the Seasonal Precipitation Effect on Boro Rice Production in Bangladesh.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik und Ana C. Costa
    International Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 3, Nr. 3, (2012)
    DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2012.33048
  • Stabile Isotopentechniken und ihre Bedeutung für die gewässerökologische Forschung.
    M. Brauns, D. von Schiller und René Gergs
    Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie: Grundlagen, Gewässerbelastung, Restaurierung, Aquatische Ökotoxikologie, Bewertung, Gewässerschutz, (2012)
    DOI: 10.1002/9783527678488.hbal2012003
  • 16th SETAC GLB (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry German Language Branch) annual meeting held under the main theme EcoTOXICOlogy and Environmental CHEMISTRY: crossing borders from 18th to 20th September 2011 at Landau.
    Carsten A. Brühl, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, Fabienne Mittmann, Peter Stahlschmidt, Eric Bruns, Marco Candolfi, Philipp Egeler, Henner Hollert, Dominic Kaiser, Silvia Mohr, Toni Ratte, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Christian Schlechtriem, Frauke Stock, Marco Vervliet Scheebaum, Peter C von der Ohe, Lennart Weltje und Inge Werner
    Environmental Sciences Europe, Vol. 24, (2012)
    DOI: 10.1186/2190-4715-24-39
  • Recovery.
    Carsten A. Brühl, Paul Neumann, Saskia Aldershof, Dave Bohan, Kevin Brown, Marco Candolfi, Flavia Geiger, Natalie Kovalkovi269;ová, Christine Kula, Karin Nienstedt, Susana Pestanudo, Jörg Roembke, Thomas Schmidt, Chris Topping, Peter van Vliet, Anne Alix, Frank Bakker, Katie Barrett, Carsten A. Brühl, Mike Coulson, Simon Hoy, Jean Pierre Jansen, Paul Jepson, Gavin Lewis, Paul Neumann, Dirk Süßenbach und Peter van Vliet
    ESCORT 3 - Linking Non-Target Arthropod Testing and Risk Assessment with Protection Goals, (2012)
  • Between Big Deals and Small Steps. Measuring the Effectiveness of International Non-Governmental Organizations.
    Charlotte Dany, Hendrik Hegemann, Regina Heller und Martin Kahl
    Studying Effectiveness in International Relations. A Guide for Students and Scholars, (2013)
  • Global Governance and NGO Participation. Shaping the Information Society in the United Nations.
    Charlotte Dany
  • A Comparison of Bangladesh Climate Surfaces from the Geostatistical Point of View.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik
    ISRN Meteorology, Vol. 2012, Nr. 353408, (2012)
  • Environmental Sustainability vs. Political Decision: A Review of the Bangladesh Leather Processing Industry Relocation Plan.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik und Marc A. Rosen
    The 2nd World Sustainability Forum, (2012)
    DOI: 10.3390/wsf2-00885
  • Humanitäre Hilfe oder die Politik der Empörung.
    Charlotte Dany
    Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, (2012)
  • Combined effect of invertebrate predation and sublethal pesticide exposure on the behavior and survival of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea; Isopoda).
    Mirco Bundschuh, Andreas Appeltauer, André Dabrunz und Ralf Schulz
    Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 63, Nr. 1, (2012)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00244-011-9743-2
  • Disturbances and Biodiversity at Grafenwöhr Training Area. In: Vegetation databases for the 21st century.
    Martin Alt, Anke Jentsch, Constanze Buhk und Manuel Steinbauer
    Biodiversity Ecology, Vol. 4, (2012)
    DOI: 10.7809/b-e.00156
  • Muster- und Strukturverständnis von Studierenden im lehramtsbezogenen Masterstudiengang (Lehramt für die Primarstufe).
    Judith Ames
    Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2012, (2012)
  • The ground beetle tribe Trechini in Israel and adjacent regions (Coleoptera, Carabidae).
    Thorsten Assmann, Jörn Buse, Vladimir Chikatunov, Claudia Drees, Ariel-Leib-Leonid Friedman, Werner Haerdtle, Tal Levanony, Itai Renan, Anika Seyfferth und David Wrase
    Spixiana, Vol. 35, (2012)
  • Migration und Geschlecht in der Sozialen Arbeit. Eine postkolonial-theoretische Annäherung.
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Birgit Bütow und Chantal Munsch
    Soziale Arbeit und Geschlecht : Herausforderungen jenseits von Universalisierung und Essentialisierung, (2012)
  • Linking aquatic exposure and effects in the risk assessment of plant protection products.
    T.C.M. Brock, A. Alix, C.D. Brown, E. Capri, B.F.F. Gottesbueren, F. Heimbach, C.M. Lythgo, Ralf Schulz und M. Streloke
  • Fuelling the biodiversity crisis: species loss of ground- dwelling forest ants in oil palm plantations in Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo).
    Carsten A. Brühl und Thomas Eltz
    Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol. 19, Nr. 2, (2010)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10531-009-9596-4
  • Effects of vineyard management on biodiversity at three trophic levels.
    O. T. Bruggisser, Martin H. Schmidt-Entling und S. Bacher
    Biological Conservation, Vol. 143, Nr. 6, (2010)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.03.034
  • Arthropod colonisation of trees in fragmented landscapes depends on species traits.
    Open Ecology Journal, Vol. 3, (2010)
    DOI: 10.2174/1874213001003010111
  • Effect of the colour of pitfall traps on their capture efficiency of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), spiders (Araneae) and other arthropods.
    S Buchholz, A-M Jess, F Hertenstein und J Schirmel
    European Journal of Entomology, Vol. 107, (2010)
    DOI: 10.14411/eje.2010.036
  • Ground beetle Assemblages of Peat bog Remnants in Northwest Germany (Coleoptera: Carabidae) [Laufkäfergemeinschaften in Hochmoorresten Nordwest-Deutschlands (Coleoptera: Carabidae)].
    Sascha Buchholz, Karsten Hannig und Jens Schirmel
    Entomologia Generalis, Vol. 32, (2009)
    DOI: 10.1127/entom.gen/32/2009/127
  • 2nd SETAC Europe Young Environmental Scientists (YES) Meeting 2011 at RWTH Aachen University, 28 February till 2 March 2011.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, N. Galic, A. Dabrunz, M. Melato, C. Mieiro, S. Sdepanian, O. Westman, T. Liu, D. Kaiser und M. Brinkmann
    Environmental Sciences Europe, Vol. 22, Nr. 4, (2010)
    DOI: 10.1007/s12302-010-0149-y
  • Saproxylic beetle assemblages in the Mediterranean region: impact of forest management on richness and structure.
    Joern Buse, Tal Levanony, Annika Timm, Tamar Dayan und Thorsten Assmann
    Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 259, (2010)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.01.004
  • Assessing Students' Understanding of Light Propagation and Visibility of Objects in Two Different Contexts.
    H. E. Chu, D. F. Treagust, A. L. Chandrasegaran, A. Kauertz, M. F. Tasar und G. Cakmakci
    Contemporary science education research: assessment of student learning and development, (2010)
  • Effects of thermal energy discharge on shallow groundwater ecosystems.
    Heike Brielmann, Christian Griebler, Susanne I. Schmidt, Rainer Michel und Tillmann Lueders
    FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 68, Nr. 3, (2009)
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2009.00674.x
  • Bewegungsgeschwindigkeiten und Time under Tension beim Einsatz- und Mehrsatztraining.
    Roberto Adami, Björn Eichmann und Jürgen Gießing
    Leistungssport, Vol. 41, Nr. 6, S. 4. (2011)
  • Drinking and protecting: a market approach to the preservation of cork oak landscapes.
    Michael Ahlheim und Oliver Frör
    Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Vol. 13, Nr. 2, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2011.576549
  • Respondent incentives in contingent valuation: the role of reciprocity.
    Michael Ahlheim, T. Börger und Oliver Frör
    FZID Discussion Papers, Nr. 39-2011, (2011)
  • Mathematisches Verstehen - untersucht bei Studierenden im lehramtsbezogenen Masterstudiengang (Lehramt für die Primarstufe).
    Judith Ames
    Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2011, (2011)
  • Molecular dynamics simulations of water molecule- bridges in polar domains of humic acids.
    Adelia Aquino, Daniel Tunega, Hasan Pasalic, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Georg Haberhauer, Martin H. Gerzabek und Hans Lischka
    Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 45, Nr. 19, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1021/es201831g
  • Study of Solvent Effect on the Stability of Water Bridge- Linked Carboxyl Groups in Humic Acid Models.
    Adélia J. A. Aquino, Daniel Tunega, Hasan Pasalic, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Georg Haberhauer, Martin H. Gerzabek und Hans Lischka
    Geoderma, Vol. 169, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.12.006
  • The Functionality of Cation Bridges for Binding Polar Groups in Soil Aggregates.
    Adélia J. A. Aquino, Daniel Tunega, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Georg Haberhauer, Martin H. Gerzabek und Hans Lischka
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 111, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1002/qua.22693
  • Resistance of polyvinyl alcohol blends stabilized by sodium and ammonium salts of lignite humic acids against gamma- irradiation.
    B. Bakajova, M. Ilcin, O. Hola und Jiri Kucerik
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 287, Nr. 2, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10967-010-0700-8
  • Netze bilden & Lernkultur verändern: Öffnung der Schule nach außen und innen.
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Alfred Holzbrecher und Alfred Holzbrecher
    Interkulturelle Schule : eine Entwicklungsaufgabe, (2011)
  • Studierende im Übergang: Zwischen der Konstruktion hilfsbedürftiger Migrantenkinder und der Reflexion eigener Konstruktionsprozesse.
    Patricia Baquero Torres, Heike de Boer, Diemut Kucharz, Thomas Irion und Bernd Reinhoffer
    Grundlegende Bildung ohne Brüche, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-531-94131-8_44
  • Ecotoxicologial evaluation of wastewater ozonation based on detritus-detritivore interactions.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Mark O. Gessner, T.A. Ternes, C. Sögding und Ralf Schulz
    Chemosphere, Vol. 82, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.10.006
  • Ecotoxicological evaluation of three tertiary wastewater treatment techniques via meta-analysis and feeding bioassays using Gammarus fossarum.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, Frank Seitz, C. Stang und Ralf Schulz
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 192, Nr. 2, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.05.079
  • Effects of nano-TiO2 in combination with ambient UV- irradiation on a leaf shredding amphipod.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, Dominic Englert, Frank Seitz, Ricki R. Rosenfeldt und Ralf Schulz
    Chemosphere, Vol. 85, Nr. 10, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.07.060
  • Fungal composition on leaves explains pollutant-mediated indirect effects on amphipod feeding.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, S. Kosol, L. Maltby, C. Stang, Lars Duester und Ralf Schulz
    Aquatic Toxicology, Vol. 104, Nr. 1, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2011.03.010
  • Mercury-contaminated sediments affect amphipod feeding.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod, Frank Seitz, M.C. Newman und Ralf Schulz
    Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 60, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00244-010-9566-6
  • Ozonation of secondary treated wastewater reduces ecotoxicity to Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea; Amphipoda): are loads of (micro)pollutants responsible?.
    Mirco Bundschuh und Ralf Schulz
    Water Research, Vol. 45, Nr. 13, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2011.05.007
  • Positive Effects of Wastewater Ozonation Displayed by in Situ Bioassays in the Receiving Stream.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Rebecca Pierstorf, Walter H. Schreiber und Ralf Schulz
    Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 45, Nr. 8, S. 7. (2011)
    DOI: 10.1021/es104195h
  • Population response to ozone application in wastewater: an on-site microcosm study with Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda).
    Mirco Bundschuh und Ralf Schulz
    Ecotoxicology, Vol. 20, Nr. 2, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10646-011-0599-z
  • The functional and physiological status of Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea; Amphipoda) exposed to secondary treated wastewater.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P. Zubrod und Ralf Schulz
    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 159, (2011)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2010.08.030
  • Modelling Aquatic Exposure and Effects of Pesticides - Application to South-Eastern Australia.
    S. Burgert, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, K. Foit, M. Kattwinkel, L. Metzeling, R. McEwan, B.J. Kefford und Matthias Liess
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 409, Nr. 14, (2011)
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  • Does insecticide drift adversely affect grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Saltatoria) in field margins? A case study combining laboratory acute toxicity testing with field monitoring data.
    Rebecca Bundschuh, Juliane Schmitz, Mirco Bundschuh und Carsten A. Brühl
    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 31, Nr. 8, (2012)
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  • Erweiterte Abwasserreinigungsverfahren in kommunalen Kläranlagen eine ökotoxikologische Beurteilung.
    Mirco Bundschuh, K. Storm und Ralf Schulz
    KA - Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, Vol. 59, Nr. 4, (2012)
  • Titanium dioxide nanoparticles increase sensitivity in the next generation of the water flea Daphnia magna.
    Mirco Bundschuh, Frank Seitz, Ricki R. Rosenfeldt und Ralf Schulz
    PLOS One, Vol. 7, Nr. 11, (2012)
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  • Determinants and congruence of species richness patterns across multiple taxonomic groups on a regional scale.
    Joern Buse
    International Journal of Zoology, Vol. 2012, (2012)
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  • “Ghosts of the past”: flightless saproxylic weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are relict species in ancient woodlands.
    Jörn Buse
    Journal of Insect Conservation, Vol. 16, (2012)
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  • Wiederfund von Amara quenseli ssp. silvicola Zimmermann, 1832 in Rheinland-Pfalz (Coleoptera: Carabidae).
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    Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, Vol. 12, (2012)
  • Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Professionswissen von Physiklehrkräften, Unterrichtshandeln und Schülerleistung - Projektskizze.
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  • Assessing the effects of climate change on the distribution of pulmonate freshwater snail biodiversity.
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  • Ambivalenzen der Partizipation. Grenzen des NGO-Einflusses auf dem Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft.
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  • Damage and Post-cyclone Regeneration Assessment of the Sundarbans Botanic Biodiversity caused by the Cyclone Sidr.
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  • Klimawandel in Bayern. Auswirkungen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten.
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  • Freshwater biological indicators of pesticide contamination an adaptation of the SPEAR approach for the UK - Science Report SC030189/SR4.
    M. A. Beketov, K. Foit, J. P. Biggs, A. Sacchi, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, C. A. Schriever und Matthias Liess
  • Long-term stream invertebrate community alterations induced by the insecticide thiacloprid: Effect concentrations and recovery dynamics.
    M. Beketov, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, A. Marwitz, A. Paschke und Matthias Liess
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  • Buriganga pollution: reasons prospects.
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  • Interactive effect of salinity decrease, salinity adaptation and chlorpyrifos exposure on an estuarine harpacticoid copepod, Mesochra parva, in South Africa.
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  • Förderung von Schüler(-inne)n mit besonderer mathematischer Begabung am Beispiel der Stochastischen Netze.
    Thorsten Braun und Engelbert Niehaus
    Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik, (2008)
  • Evidence for species specific impacts of resprouters on herbal vegetation patterns during post-fire succession in south- eastern Spain.
    Constanze Buhk und Isabell Hensen
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  • Lack of hard-seeded species in pre-fire and post-fire seed banks in the region of Murcia (south-eastern Spain).
    Constanze Buhk und Isabell Hensen
    Anales de Biología, Nr. 27, (2008)
  • Post-fire regeneration in a Mediterranean pine forest with historically low fire frequency.
    Constanze Buhk, Lars Götzenberger, Karsten Wesche, P. S. Gomez und Isabell Hensen
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  • The Impact of Participation: How Civil Society Organisations Contribute to the Democratic Quality of the UN World Summit on the Information Society. TranState Working Paper No. 43, Universität Bremen, Collaborative Research Center 597 - Transformations of the State.
    Charlotte Dany
  • Constructing a Preference-oriented Index of Environmental Quality.
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  • Environmental indicators from an economic perspective significance and political relevance.
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  • Influence of pH and drying conditions on the wettability of soil samples.
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  • Industrie-Squatter in Tirana. Informelles Wohnen in aufgelassenen Kombinaten der albanischen Hauptstadt.
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  • Vegetated agricultural drainage ditches for the mitigation of pyrethroid-associated runoff.
    Erin R. Bennett, Matthew Truman Moore, Charles M. Cooper, Sammie Smith Jr., F.D. Shields Jr., K.G Drouillard und Ralf Schulz
    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 24, (2005)
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  • A comparison of predicted and measured levels of runoff-related pesticide concentrations in small lowland streams on a landscape level.
    Norbert Berenzen, A. Lentzen-Godding, M. Probst, Holger K. Schulz, Ralf Schulz und Matthias Liess
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  • Macroinvertebrate community structure in agricultural streams: Impact of runoff-related pesticide contamination.
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  • Plant regeneration mechanisms during early post fire succession in south eastern Spain.
    Constanze Buhk, Pedro Sanchez Gomez und Isabell Hensen
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  • Grundwasserfauna als Indikator für Oberflächenwasser- Grundwasser-Interaktionen im Bereich einer Uferfiltrationsanlage.
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  • NMR spectrometry to study aging processes in soil organic matter.
    Marko Bertmer, Alex Jaeger, Jette Schwarz und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
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  • Application of GIS in Rural Settlement Development. An Approach towards Identification of Locations for Compact Towns.
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  • Environmental concerns regarding Hazaribagh tannery area and present relocation scenario.
    Avit Kumar Bhowmik, Samiul M. Islam und R. Hafiz
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  • Spatial and temporal variability in particle-bound pesticide exposure and their effects on benthic community structure in a temporarily open estuary.
    S. Bollmohr, Paul J. Van den Brink, P.W. Wade, Jenny A. Day und Ralf Schulz
    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 82, (2009)
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  • Seasonal changes of macroinvertebrate communities in a Western Cape river, South Africa, receiving nonpoint-source insecticide pollution.
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    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 28, (2009)
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  • Bioavailability in effect-directed analysis of organic toxicants in sediments.
    Werner Brack, Nicole Bandow, Katrin Schwab, Tobias Schulze und Georg Streck
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  • Does waste water from olive oil mills induce water repellency in soils? - Model experiments for analysis of Hydrophobization potential of olive oil production wastes for soil and analysis of current olive oil production structure in Israel and Palestine.
    Tanja Brandt
  • Mathematischen Umweltlabor: Eine Verbindung von Lehrerausbildung und Förderung von Schüler(-inne)n mit besonderen mathematischen Begabung.
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  • 1st Young Environmental Scientists Meeting (YES-Meeting)

    New Challenges in Environmental Sciences <>.

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  • Stability evaluation of n-alkyl hyaluronic acid derivates by DSC and TG measurement.
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  • Influence of habitat fragmentation on the genetic variability in leaf litter ant populations in tropical rainforests of Sabah, Borneo.
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  • Erlebnis Energie - Materialien für den projektorientierten Unterricht.
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  • Providing Health for Rural Communities: Statistical Training of Decision Support.
    Thorsten Braun und Engelbert Niehaus
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  • Impulse Physik, Mittelstufenlehrbuch.
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  • 11. Jahrestagung der SETAC-GLB in Landau.
    Carsten A. Brühl, Renja Ohliger, Agnes Sporer, Henner Hollert und Ralf Schulz
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  • Virtuelle Exkursionen contra reale Begegnungen.
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  • Fire seeders during early post-fire succession and their quantitative importance in south-eastern Spain.
    Constanze Buhk und Isabell Hensen
    Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 66, Nr. 2, (2006)
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  • Processes of post-fire vegetation regeneration in south-eastern Spain: Searching for fire adaptation.
    Constanze Buhk und Isabell Hensen
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  • UPGradE - interdisziplinäre Forschung zur Verbesserung von Unterrichtsprozessen und Lehrerbildung.
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  • The potential of video studies in research on teaching and learning science.
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  • Spurensuche als Unterrichtseinstieg. Entdeckendes Lernen im Hamburger Hafen..
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  • Predicting plant species richness and vegetation patterns in cultural landscapes using disturbance parameters.
    Constanze Buhk, V. Retzer, C. Beierkuhnlein und A. Jentsch
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  • The challenge of plant regeneration after fire in the Mediterranean Basin: scientific gaps in our knowledge on plant strategies and evolution of traits.
    Constanze Buhk, A. Meyn und A. Jentsch
    Plant Ecology, Vol. 192, Nr. 1, (2007)
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  • Modelling habitat and spatial distribution of an endangered longhorn beetle – A case study for saproxylic insect conservation.
    Joern Buse, Boris Schroeder und Thorsten Assmann
    Biological Conservation, Vol. 137, (2007)
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  • Demokratie, Menschenrechte und Souveränität im Zeitalter der Globalisierung neu denken (Übersetzung).
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  • Structural Power in Internet Governance. Enabling and Constraining Effects of the Institutionalization of NGO Participation at the WSIS, GigaNet: Global Internet Governance Academic Network, Annual Symposium 2007.
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  • Microsatellite markers for European Daphnia.
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  • Economic valuation of environmental benefits in developing und emerging countries: theoretical considerations und practical evidence from Thailand and the Philippines.
    Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör und N. Sinphurmsukskul
    Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Vol. 45, Nr. 4, (2006)
  • Landslides in Mountainous Regions of Northern Vietnam: Causes, Protection Strategies and the Assessment of Economic Losses.
    Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, A. Heinke, A. Keil, M.D. Nguyen, V.D. Pham und C. Saint-Macary
    International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, Vol. 15, (2009)
  • Stabilizing Capacity of Water Bridges in Nanopore Segments of Humic Substances: A Theoretical Investigation.
    Adélia J. A. Aquino, Daniel Tunega, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Georg Haberhauer, Martin H. Gerzabek und Hans Lischka
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  • Effect-Directed Analysis of contaminated sediments with partition-based dosing using green algae cell multiplication inhibition.
    Nicole Bandow, Rolf Altenburger, Georg Streck und Werner Brack
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  • Partitioning-Based Dosing: An Approach To Include Bioavailability in the Effect-Directed Analysis of Contaminated Sediment Samples.
    Nicole Bandow, Rolf Altenburger, Urte Luebcke-von Varel, Albrecht Paschke, Georg Streck und Werner Brack
    Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43, Nr. 10, (2009)
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  • Kultur und Geschlecht in der Interkulturellen Pädagogik. Eine postkoloniale Re-Lektüre.
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  • Postkoloniale Perspektiven zur Reflexion von Bildung in einer Einwanderungsgesellschaft: die Interdependenz sozialer Kategorien als neuer Denkansatz.
    Patricia Baquero Torres
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  • Informationen zum Klimawandel und zu Gegenmaßnahmen. Der IPCC-Bericht und Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung zur Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen.
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  • SPEAR indicates pesticide effects in streams - Comparative use of species- and family-level biomonitoring data.
    M. A. Beketov, K. Foit, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, C. A. Schriever, A. Sacchi, E. Capri, J. Biggs, C. Wells und Matthias Liess
    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 157, Nr. 6, (2009)
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  • Effectiveness of vegetated agricultural drainage ditches in mitigating aquatic insecticide loadings.
    Erin R. Bennett, K.G. Drouillard, Matthew Truman Moore, Ralf Schulz, Matthew Truman Moore und R. Kroger
    Agricultural drainage ditches: Mitigation wetlands for the 21st century, (2009)
  • Seed longevity of eight species common during early postfire regeneration in south eastern Spain: A 3 year burial experiment.
    Constanze Buhk und Isabell Hensen
    Plant Species Biology, Vol. 23, Nr. 1, (2008)
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  • Studenten in SETAC - das SAC lädt ein zur SETAC Europe Jahrestagung in Warschau.
    Mirco Bundschuh, K. van Hoecke und T.-B. Seiler
    Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, Vol. 20, Nr. 1, (2008)
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  • An Endangered Longhorn Beetle Associated with Old Oaks and Its Possible Role as an Ecosystem Engineer [Un Escarabajo en Peligro Asociados con Robles Viejos y su Posible Papel como Ingeniero del Ecosistema].
    Joern Buse, Thomas Ranius und Thorsten Assmann
    Conservation Biology, Vol. 22, (2008)
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  • Saproxylic beetle assemblages of three managed oak woodlands in the Eastern Mediterranean.
    Joern Buse, Tal Levanony, Tamar Dayan und Thorsten Assmann
    Zoology in the Middle East, Vol. 45, (2008)
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  • The xylobiontic beetle fauna of old oaks colonised by the endangered longhorn beetle Cerambyx cerdo (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
    Joern Buse, Peter Zabransky und Thorsten Assmann
    Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie (DGAAE), Vol. 16, (2008)
  • Civil Society Participation Under Most Favourable Conditions. Assessing the Democratic Quality of the WSIS.
    Charlotte Dany, Jens Steffek, Claudia Kissling und Patrizia Nanz
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  • Using citizen expert groups in environmental valuation - Lessons from a CVM study in Northern Thailand.
    Michael Ahlheim, B. Ekasingh, Oliver Frör, J. Kitchaicharoen, A. Neef, C. Sangkapitux und N. Sinphurmsukskul
    Diskussionsbeiträge aus dem Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Hohenheim, Nr. 283, (2007)
  • In situ-based effects measures: Determining the ecological relevance of measured responses.
    D.J. Baird, S.S. Brown, L. Lagadic, Matthias Liess, L. Maltby, M. Moreira-Santos, Ralf Schulz und G.I. Scott
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  • Development of soil water repellency in the course of isothermal drying and upon pH changes in two urban soils.
    Julia V. Bayer und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
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  • Temporal variability in particle-associated pesticide exposure in a temporarily open estuary, Western Cape, South Africa.
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  • Effect of humic and fulvic acid concentrations and ionic strength on copper and lead binding.
    Iso Christl, Axel Metzger, Ilona Heidmann und Ruben Kretzschmar
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  • Combined effects of discharge, turbidity, and pesticides on mayfly behavior: Experimental evaluation of spray-drift and runoff scenarios.
    James M. Dabrowski, Anne Bollen und Ralf Schulz
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  • Pesticide interception by emergent aquatic macrophytes: Potential to mitigate spray-drift input in agricultural streams.
    James M. Dabrowski, Anne Bollen, Erin R. Bennett und Ralf Schulz
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  • Mitigation of azinphos-methyl in a vegetated stream: comparison of runoff and spray-drift.
    James M. Dabrowski, Anne Bollen, Erin R. Bennett und Ralf Schulz
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  • „Digital Divide“ als Herausforderung für Globales Regieren. Das Beispiel des UN-Weltgipfels zur Informationsgesellschaft.
    Charlotte Dany
    Sozialwissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst (soFid) Kommunikationswissenschaft, Vol. 2, (2005)
  • Contingent Valuation of Mining Land Reclamation.
    Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, U. Lehr, G. Wagenhals und U. Wolf
    IAW-Report, Nr. 2, (2004)
  • Die ökonomische Bewertung von Änderungen der Umweltqualität mit Hilfe der Kontingenten Evaluierungsmethode.
    Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, I. Kohnert, U. Lehr, U. Wolf, Reinhard Hüttl und Werner Gerwin
    Entwicklung und Bewertung gestörter Kulturlandschaften. Fallbeispiel Niederlausitzer Bergbaufolgelandschaft, (2004)
  • Geschlecht und Kultur im erziehungswissenschaftlichen Migrationsdiskurs am Beispiel der Interkulturellen Pädagogik und Sozialpädagogik.
    Patricia Baquero Torres und Martin Sökefeld
    Jenseits des Paradigmas kultureller Differenz. Neue Perspektiven auf Einwanderer aus der Türkei, (2004)
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  • The influence of pH and drying conditions on the wettability of soil samples.
    Julia V. Bayer und Gabriele Ellen Schaumann
    Crossing Borders- Molecular Mechanisms and Ecosystem processes. Proccedings of the 2nd Joint Annual meeting 2004, (2004)
  • Internetgeographien.
    A. Budke, Detlef Kanwischer und Antonia Pott
  • SETAC Europe 19th annual meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden: Next step towards fulfilling students’ needs.
    M. Brinkmann, A. Brooks, A. Dabrunz, J.L. Gomez-Eyles, K. van Hoecke, Cornelia Kienle, T.-B. Seiler und Mirco Bundschuh
    Environmental Sciences Europe, Vol. 16, (2009)
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  • 1st Young Environmental Scientists (YES) MeetingNew challenges in environmental sciences.
    Mirco Bundschuh, A. Dabrunz, S. Bollmohr, M. Brinkmann, M. Caduff, J.L. Gomez-Eyles, Cornelia Kienle, M. Melato, K.C. Patrick-Iwuanyanwu, K. van Hoecke, T.-B. Seiler und A. Brooks
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 16, (2009)
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  • Antibiotics as a chemical stressor affecting an aquatic decomposer–detritivore system.
    Mirco Bundschuh, T. Hahn, Mark O. Gessner und Ralf Schulz
    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 28, (2009)
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  • Saproxylic beetles in the Gartow region of Lower Saxony, a hotspot of invertebrate diversity in north-western Germany.
    Joern Buse, Stephan Guerlich, Thorsten Assmann, Joern Buse, Keith Alexander, Thomas Ranius und Thorsten Assmann
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    Joern Buse, Keith Alexander, Thomas Ranius und Thorsten Assmann
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  • Experimentieren, Mathematisieren, Simulieren: Konzeption eines MATHEMATIK-Labors.
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  • From Latreille to DNA systematics – towards a modern synthesis for carabidology.
    Thorsten Assmann, Joern Buse, Claudia Drees, Jan Habel, Werner Haerdtle, Andrea Matern, Goddert von Oheimb, Andreas Schuldt und David Wrase
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  • The Carabus fauna of Israel – updated identification key, faunistics, and habitats (Coleoptera: Carabidae).
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  • Untersuchung der U(VI)-Speziation sowie Kolloid-Effekte in Wasserproben aus Mailuu-Suu, Kirgisistan..
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    Charlotte Dany
  • Benthic Oxygen and Nitrogen Exchange on a Cold- Water Coral Reef in the North-East Atlantic Ocean.
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  • Laboratory and field investigations on freeze and gravity core sampling and assessment of coring disturbances with implications on gas bubble characterization.
    Yannick Dück, Andreas Lorke, Christian Jokiel und Johannes Gierse
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  • Der Einfluss von Feedback auf die Entwicklung diagnostischer Fähigkeiten von Mathematiklehramtsstudierenden.
    Patrizia Enenkiel, Jürgen Roth, A. Frank, S. Krauss und K. Binder
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  • A Human Security Perspective on Natural Resource Governance: What Makes Reforms Effective?.
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  • Das berufliche Selbstverständnis von Multiplikator*innen für den Mathematikunterricht an Grundschulen.
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  • The Nexus of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflicts.
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  • Wastewater alters feeding rate but not vitellogenin level of Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda).
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  • Using temporally resolved floral resource maps to explain bumblebee colony performance in agricultural landscapes.
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  • Mechanistic Effect Modeling of Earthworms in the Context of Pesticide Risk Assessment: Synthesis of the FORESEE Workshop.
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  • COVID-19: Einblicke aus Forschungsländern der Friedensakademie.
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  • Umwelt und Frieden Zusammendenken: Environmental Peacebuilding als Chance für die Deutsche Friedens- und Entwicklungspolitik.
    Rebecca Froese und Janpeter Schilling
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  • COVID-19: Herausforderungen für humanitäre Hilfe.
    Charlotte Dany
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  • Relationship between agricultural pesticides and the diet of riparian spiders in the field.
    Nadin Graf, Karina P. Battes, Mirela Cimpean, Martin H. Entling, Katharina Frisch, Moritz Link, Andreas Scharmüller, Verena C. Schreiner, Eduard Szöcs, Jochen P. Zubrod und Ralf Bernhard Schäfer
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  • Failed Cooperation in Times of Natural Disasters: Explaining the Rejection of Humanitarian Aid.
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  • Mahnmal ehemaliger Westwall - Geteilte Verantwortung für einen Grenzraum.
    Charlotte Dany und Christoph Picker
  • Ein qualitativ-experimenteller Zugang zum funktionalen Denken mit dem Fokus auf Kovariation.
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  • Natürliche Ressourcen, Menschenrechte und Konflikte. Rohstoffherausforderungen in einer globalisierten Welt - Unterrichtsmaterialien für die Sekundarstufe II.
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    Jan David, Helena Doležalová Weissmannová, Zacharias Steinmetz, Lucie Kabelíková, Michael Scott Demyan, Jana Šimečková, David Tokarski, Christian Siewert, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann und Jiri Kucerik
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  • How Germany Advocates for the Protection of Aid Workers in the Security Council.
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  • Do agricultural pesticides in streams influence riparian spiders?.
    Nadin Graf, Karina P. Battes, Mirela Cimpean, Pitt Dittrich, Martin H. Entling, Moritz Link, Andreas Scharmüller, Verena C. Schreiner, Eduard Szöcs und Ralf Bernhard Schäfer
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  • Exploring the Political Agency of Humanitarian NGOs: Médecins Sans Frontières During the European Refugee Crisis.
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  • Humanitäre Hilfe im Kontext der Responsibility to Protect: NGOs zwischen Neutralität und Instrumentalisierung.
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  • Unterdrückung, Geschlecht und Befreiung. Eine Annäherung an Paulo Freires Befreiungsansatz.
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  • Stratification of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in a primary rain forest in Sabah, Borneo.
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  • Überblick über Geographie, Geologie, Klima und Vegetations- formationen der Insel São Tomé (Golf von Guinea).
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  • Quantitative Analysis of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Microplastics in Soil via Thermogravimetry-Mass Spectrometry.
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  • Prozesse von Lernenden beim Arbeiten mit Funktionen und deren Repräsentationen.
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  • Diagnostische Fähigkeiten von Lehramtsstudierenden mithilfe von Videovignetten fördern - Der Einfluss von Feedback.
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