Opening hours/Speaking hours

With this content element you can display contact details (address, contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, opening hours, appointments for consultation hours,...).

Fax/phone prefixes are automatically added (+49 631).

Create a new record at the desired location.

Select the "Dynamic Content Elements" tab and then the "Opening Hours/Speaking Hours" content element.

You can fill three columns with information.

left: Contact person/address

center: contact details

right: opening hours / consultation hours

With the field "Output vertical" in the tab "Address/Contact person" you can display the contents below each other.


You are in the self-study and want to go to the training start page, then click on TYPO3 in the self-study for beginners part 1.


You are currently in self-training, then click  Exercise - Opening hours/Talking hours to continue.​​​​​​


Exercise - Opening hours / Talking hours