
Online Support

The quickest way to get help is via our FAQ, where we continuously record and answer the most frequently asked questions and problems of our customers.

If you still need direct assistance from us, please submit a support request (ticket) either directly on the website under Support request or by e-mail to rz-support(at)

Browse FAQRead instructionsSubmit a support request

Support at the location

The RZ Service Center at the Kaiserslautern site is open from

Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 11:00
Mon - Thu: 12:30 - 15:00

and is located in Kaiserslautern:
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße, Building 34,
Room 250 on the first floor.


The RZ Service Center at the Landau site is open from

Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 11:00
Mon - Thu: 12:30 - 15:00

and is located in Landau:
Fortstraße 7, Building EIII,
Room 48 on the first floor.


Support request

The joint IT support team is at your disposal at


By telephone:

  • Kaiserslautern: +49 631 205 - 3170
  • Landau: +49 6341 280 - 31184

External pages and portals of the RHRZ

Our IT infrastructure is a mixture of ultra-modern structures, structures that have grown over the years and structures purchased from external providers.

For this reason, you will mainly find

  • functions and settings for/with your personal RPTU account or
  • web-based software

on separate pages and portals.

Below you will find an overview of these separate pages and portals grouped by topic. These are linked in the description of the respective service and in the instructions.

AD Account Attributes - Maintain account attributes (address, telephone number, etc.), display data volume used via WLAN, overview of printouts made via the Follow-Me system

Printing, copying, scanning
E-Mail & WWW
Network & Telephony
RPTU account
Seminar offer
Software & Licenses
Access management