Remaining services Landau

We are now the RHRZ!

The RHRK in KL and the URZ in LD have merged and are now jointly called RHRZ.
This page contains old information on IT services for students and staff at the Landau campus with URZ accounts (until winter semester 2023).

URZ Account

Since May 2024, no new URZ accounts will be created on the old infrastructure of the University of Koblenz-Landau, users at RPTU in Landau will only receive an RPTU account. Personal URZ accounts will only be extended on request, functional accounts only in exceptional cases.

Please use the renewal application linked on this page to renew your URZ account. You can send it, completely filled out and signed, to the RHRZ secretariat in Landau by internal mail. You can send us a digital version in advance by e-mail or ticket system.

University members who have left the university for reasons of age can extend their account if they re-register once a year.

You can manage existing URZ accounts in the Landau IDM( There you can view the current expiration date and change your password; the URZ account no longer offers any other functions.

The existing accounts remain valid until the following dates, a corresponding announcement will be sent out beforehand:

  • Students: 6 months after leaving (exmatriculation)
  • Employees: On the last official working day

RPTU account

The URZ account was replaced by the RPTU account with the merger.

All current information on access to numerous IT services, activation, commissioning and customization of RPTU accounts can be found on the RHRZ pages.

To the RPTU account

Mail server

An e-mail address ending with "" is provided with the URZ account. The following access data are only valid for existing e-mail addresses. New addresses will no longer be issued, old addresses will remain valid, please use your RPTU e-mail address for communication from now on.

You will find all the information you need to retrieve your RPTU addresses on the RHRZ website.

Access data for mail programs

Incoming mail server:
Protocol: IMAP
Port: 993
Connection type: SSL/TLS
Username: <Account> (without
Password: <your URZ password>

Outgoing mail server:
Protocol: STARTTLS
Port: 587
Username: <account> (without
Password: <your URZ password>

Webmail (SOGo)

SOGo is a web mail client for old Landauer accounts, with which you have the possibility to manage your "" e-mail account or to store calendars and address books.

Please note:
Mails for RPTU accounts are retrieved via the webmailers at RPTU!

You can find SOGo under the following link:

Circular mail

For students at RPTU on the Landau campus, subject-related mailing lists are still offered on the infrastructure of the URZ Landau. General or staff-related mailing lists have been replaced by the news system at RPTU.

Only the mandatory student mailing lists will continue to be kept up to date via KLIPS to ensure that students receive all relevant information. To reach all RPTU members, please use the RPTU news system in the future.

The remaining mailing lists will be technically moderated by the RHRZ in Landau. Circular mails will only be sent out once . This applies in particular to invitations (e.g. to events or surveys). Mails will be rejected if the regulations are not observed.

Circular mails must fulfill the following conditions:

  • The sender is an e-mail address of the University
  • Content serves the fulfillment of the university's tasks
  • Storage space requirement including any attachments is less than 500kB.
  • No repeated sending

Please try to keep the circular mail as short as possible and send it without attachments in order to enable resource-saving mail operation. You can store large files on the CMS pages or Seafile, for example, and insert a link to them in the circular mail.

Please send any questions about sending circular mails to rundmail(at)

The following regulations originate from an agreement between the student parliament and the RHRZ.


  • All Landau lists, including the agreed rules, are published on a page of the RHRZ Landau .
  • All addresses as well as are activated by the computer center for sending circular mails to
  • The student representatives of the departmental councils create their own mailboxes at the computer center. These mail addresses are included in the respective list of approved senders.
  • The student representatives elect one of their number to apply for a mailbox at the RHRZ. These mail addresses are added to the respective list of authorized senders.
  • KLIPS creates automatic distribution lists and e-mails. Course offers are moderated by the course management.
  • In the event of new elections, the mailboxes of the "function identifiers" are transferred to the administration of the successor. Private use of this ID is expressly excluded.
  • From 24.10.2016, mails sent to the wrong mailing list will no longer be sent.
  • All lists will be moderated by RHRZ Landau. Only the technically justified time of sending the mail will be controlled, as long as all agreed rules are adhered to.
  • Only mails related to teaching, research and operations (including culture) at RPTU will be sent. The sending of commercial or private mails is excluded.
  • For each mailing list, it will be announced which e-mail addresses are authorized to send e-mails.
  • For all mailing lists there is a size limit of 50kb per mail. Attachments should not be sent.


  • All duly registered students of the Landau campus receive the e-mails of the "studierende" mailing list.
  • All duly registered students of the Landau campus, of the respective department, receive the e-mails of the distribution list of their department.
  • All duly registered students of the Landau campus, of the respective subject, receive the e-mails of the mailing list of their subject. These subject-related mailing lists are set up upon informal application to the RHRZ Landau.
  • KLIPS is regulated via the KLIPS platform.

Overview of existing mailing lists for students

Address of the listList descriptionAuthorized senders
(List will be replaced by mail addresses)
Topics of the list
studierende@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for all studentsAstA departments, StuPa presidium, UB, RHRZ Lanau, university management, central administration, student servicesRHRZ information on outages, planned maintenance work, changes to opening hours of central facilities, etc., as long as no list exists for the specific purpose
studentinnen(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deOffers for women onlyEqual Opportunities Officere.g. KARLA mails
Department lists
fb5-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of department 5Function identifiers of the respective student members of the Faculty Council, respective dean's officesInformation about the department; FBR minutes, election notifications
fb6-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of department 6Function codes of the respective student members of the Faculty Council, respective dean's officesInformation on the department; FBR minutes, election notifications
fb7-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of department 7Function identifiers of the respective student members of the Faculty Council, respective dean's officesInformation on the department; FBR minutes, election notifications
fb8-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of department 8Function identifiers of the respective student members of the Faculty Council, respective dean's officesInformation about the department; FBR minutes, election notifications
Subject/degree-related mailing lists
Mandatory mailing list for students of the "2-subject Bachelor"respective student representatives, respective institute directors, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
anglistik-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of English Studiesrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
B.ed.@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the "Bachelor of Education" programrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
betriebspaed-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject "Business Educationrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
bio-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject Biologyrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
chemie-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for chemistry studentsrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
Mandatory mailing list for students of the subject Performing Artsrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
Mandatory mailing list for students of the degree M.Sc. Ecotoxicologyrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
evth-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject Protestant Theologyrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
Franzoesisch-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject Frenchrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
geo-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject Geologyrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
germanistik-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of German Studiesrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
grupaed-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of primary school educationrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
kth-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of Catholic theologyrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
kunst-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject Artrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
m.ed.@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the "Master of Education"respective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
mathe-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of mathematicsrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
MuU-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject "Man and Environment"respective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
philo-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject Philosophyrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
physik-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of physicsrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
pfk-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of early childhood educationrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
powi-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of political sciencerespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
psychologie-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of Psychologyrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
soko-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of Social and Communication Sciencesrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
sopaed-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of special educationrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
sport-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of sportrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
uwi-stud(at)rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of Environmental Sciencesrespective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information
WundA-stud@rundmail.uni-landau.deMandatory mailing list for students of the subject "Business and Work" and "Economics"respective student representatives, respective department heads, respective dean's officesSubject-specific information

Pool rooms

At the Landau campus, students and staff can use various pool rooms provided by the RHRZ:

  • 2 free workrooms for students
  • 3 bookable seminar rooms with IT workstations

The registration in the pool rooms and the printing system were switched to the RPTU infrastructure on 22.03.2023. Please note that due to the conversion of the home drives, your existing data may now be located in a subfolder of your home drive.

Note: New software
If special software is required for a module or seminar, please contact us in good time (approx. 14 to 30 days before the start). This is the only way we can ensure that the software is made available on the required devices in good time.

Information on

Pool room 1 (bookable)

Pool room 1 is located on the first floor of building EIII room 50. This room can be reserved via KLIPS for IT-supported courses and cannot be used for unsupervised work.

Hardware equipment:

  • PC for lecturers (sound reproduction via lectern loudspeakers)
  • 50 PCs for students
  • Projector (HDMI connection)
  • Whiteboard
  • Lectern with microphone and loudspeaker


Pool room 2 (not bookable)

Pool room 2 is located on the first floor of building EIII room 40 and is freely accessible to students with a valid access code from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., except on public holidays.

Hardware equipment:

  • 45 PCs for students
  • 2 color laser printers


Pool room 3 (not bookable)

Pool room 3 is located in the basement of building EIII room 043. It is freely accessible to students with a valid access code from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., except on public holidays.

Hardware equipment:

  • 52 PCs for students
  • 1 color laser printer


Pool room 4 (bookable)

Pool room 4 is located on the second floor of building CIII room 140. This room is reserved for (IT-supported) courses and cannot be used for unsupervised work.

Hardware equipment:

  • Notebook for lecturers
  • 50 notebooks for students
  • 20 workstations for private notebooks
  • projector
  • Loudspeaker
  • Whiteboard


Pool room 5 (bookable)

Pool room 5 is located on the second floor of building CIII room 148. This room is reserved for (IT-supported) courses and cannot be used for unsupervised work.

Hardware equipment:

  • Notebook for lecturers
  • 50 notebooks for students
  • 20 workstations for private notebooks
  • projector
  • Loudspeaker
  • whiteboard

The following list provides an overview of the software installed in the pool rooms. The operating system currently installed on all computers is Windows 10 64-bit.

Software typePool room 1Pool room 2Pool room 3Pool room 4Pool room 5
Adobe FlashPlayerxxxxx
Adobe Reader DCxxxxx
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2020 (may only be used for teaching purposes)xxx--
Chromas Litexxxxx
Google Earthxxxxx
Notepad ++xxxxx
R-Statistics (incl. R-Studio)xxxxx
Sophos Antivirusxxxxx
SPSS (incl. Amos)xxxxx
Vensim PLExxxxx
VLC Playerxxxxx
Papercut Client-xx--

Information on the use of the pool rooms at the RHRZ in Landau:
This is only a brief overview. Please note the detailed usage regulations below.


The usage regulations are a prerequisite for booking and must be accepted
(Published at:

Access to the room:
The lecturer registered in KLIPS automatically receives the free access to theroom. Lecturer automatically receives access to the transponder. Other persons must be authorized by the house/key management.


Notes on the computers:

  • Screens should remain open
  • Please shut down PCs


Automatic air conditioning and fresh air supply:

  • Keep windows closed
  • Close the door



  • Lock the door at the end of the event!
  • Eating and drinking as well as sitting on the tables is not permitted at any time.
  • If a power plug is pulled out to connect your own device, the original state must be restored afterwards!


The following connections are available at the lecturer's workstation:

  • HDMI / DisplayPort
  • Speakers at the lectern via jack connection
  • Network connection

Instructions for using the pool rooms at the RHRZ in Landau:

  • Users of PC-Pool 4 and 5 without laptop use must only observe the yellow markings.
  • This is only a brief overview. Please refer to the detailed usage regulations below.


The usage regulations are a prerequisite for booking and must be accepted
(Published at:

Access to the room:
The lecturer registered in KLIPS automatically receives the free access to theroom. Lecturer automatically receives access to the transponder. Other persons must be authorized by the house/key management.


Notes on the computers:

  • Laptops must be shut down at the end of the event and stowed under the flap.
  • Please note that the laptop should be held as shown in the photo, the cables should not be crushed and the mouse should not be placed on the laptop but next to it.
  • Please shut down PCs


Air conditioning and fresh air supply:
No air conditioning and fresh air supply, please ventilate regularly when using the rooms!



  • Lock the door at the end of the event!
  • Eating and drinking as well as sitting on the tables is not permitted at any time.
  • If a power plug is pulled out to connect your own device, the original state must be restored afterwards!


The following connections are available at the lecturer's workstation:

  • HDMI / DisplayPort / VGA
  • Room-side loudspeakers via HDMI or via jack connection for VGA use
  • Network connection

  • Pool room 1 for IT-supported courses is located in building E III on the first floor, room 50.
  • Pool room 4 for IT-supported courses is located in building C III on the second floor, room 140.
  • Pool room 5 for IT-supported courses is located in building C III on the second floor, room 148.

The rooms are available to all university institutions for IT-supported courses after prior reservation via KLIPS. The following usage regulations are a prerequisite for booking and must be accepted.


Usage regulations for the pool rooms 1, 4 and 5 of the RHRZ in Landau


  1. Registration and reservation
    1.1 Pool room 1 can only be reserved for IT-supported (teaching) events at RPTU.
    1.2 Pool rooms 4 and 5 can be reserved primarily for IT-supported (teaching) events at RPTU. The reservation of pool rooms 4 and 5 for courses without IT use is possible on a subordinate basis.
    1.3 After reserving pool rooms 4/5, those responsible for or holding (teaching) events will receive access authorization (transponder activation) from the general key management for the duration of their course.
    1.5 Access is generally only permitted within the reserved times.
  2. Maintaining functionality
    2.1 Prior to initial use, a member of RHRZ staff will provide instruction, including in particular an introduction to the available hardware and software.
    2.2 If malfunctions or missing equipment are detected, the RHRZ must be informed immediately.
    2.3 As pool room 1 has an air conditioning system with a fresh air supply, the windows and door must remain closed at all times .
    2.4 Eating and drinking as well as sitting on the tables is not permitted in the pool rooms.
    2.5 If a power plug is pulled in order to connect your own device, the original state must be restored afterwards!
  3. Theft protection
    3.1 The lecturer must ensure that no devices are stolen and that no unauthorized software copies are made.
    3.2 The lecturer is obliged to lock the room at the end of the event.
  4. Software and equipment use
    4.1 The installation or modification of hardware or software by room users is not permitted.
    4.2 The list of installed software can be found on the RHRZ website.
    4.3 If additional software is required in the pool rooms, this can be requested in good time before the start of the event.
    4.4 The lecturer must ensure that all devices are switched off at the end of the course and the laptops are stowed under the flap provided, the whiteboard is cleaned, the lights are switched off and the room is left in a clean condition.
  5. Exclusion from use
    5.1 Failure to comply with these regulations will result in exclusion from the use of the rooms.

Landau, 12.09.2023

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