Employee Information

Welcome to the RHRZ!

This guide contains a list of services that the RHRZ provides for employees. Employees will also find explanatory videos on various services and further information.

The following is intended to provide general information. Department-specific systems and services are not represented.

RPTU account

What is a RPTU account?

An RPTU account is a user profile provided by the RHRZ with permission to access various services, valid within the entire domain.




Functional Account

A functional account is an account used for a specific function (e.g. e-mail, printer, Eduroam, etc.) and can be used by one or more people.
You can apply for a functional account at accounts.rptu.de. Your supervisor or other authorized staff can approve the account.

More information for functional accounts:



Which services are available?

- E-Mail adresse "accountname@rptu.de" 
   - Access via webmail:
      Exchange - email.uni-kl.de
      Communigate - mail.rptu.de
- Printing, Copying and Scanning
   - Druckausgabe
   - Follow Me

- Acces to your home directoy from home
Linux Terminal Server
Windows Terminal Server
High Performance Computing

- WLAN on Campus
- VPN Access
- Serviceportal
   (e.g. quota check, software downloads)

- Personal Homepage

- Ticketsystem
- Knowledgebase (FAQ)

RPTU email

What is a RPTU email?

The RHRZ offers two different mail systems (Communigate and Exchange).
It is recommended that employees use Exchange.

More information about RPTU email:

Information about mailing and distribution lists


Every RPTU account is assigned an e-mail inbox, typically named accountname@rptu.de. It is possible to set an email alias to personalize the email address.

You can set the alias under my data on the website accounts.rptu.de. You can choose between vorname.nachname@rptu.de or v.nachname@rptu.de.


More Information about email aliases:

ticketsystem.rz.rptu.de/help/de-de/83-e-mail-alias (german only)


Every RPTU account has a Communigate mailbox by default. The mailbox can be converted to Exchange either when applying for the account or afterwards.

Communigate can be set up with both POP3 and IMAP (preferred).

Information about Communigate:

Webmail interface:


The use of Exchange is recommended for employees. The mailbox can be converted to Exchange either when applying for an account or at a later date.

Exchange allows additional features such as advanced calendar sharing, appointments, etc..

More information about Exchange:

Web Interface:

Employees can check which type of mailbox they have on the account website under "my data".

Printing Services

Printing Services Kaiserslautern

The RHRZ provides two different printing services for employees in Kaiserslautern.

To use the Follow-Me system, your RPTU account must be linked to a budget code. This can be set up by supervisors or any other authorized person in the service portal.

The Druckausgabe pringting service allocates a monthly printing quota of points.

Employees can also use the services of department 5.6 Photo repro printing.

Information on all printing systems:


Virtual Private Network

Certain services and contents are available within ournetwork only. In order to gain accessto internal services from outside, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is used. The VPN client Wireguard is available for university members with an RPTU account.



- Installation for Windows, Apple, Android und Linux
- Configuration file integration

Available Tunnels

- Full-Tunnel
- Split-Tunnel


The Serviceportal is only accessible via VPN.



- Eduroam -> Quota-Status
- Software Download
- Active Directory Attributes
- Exchange E-Mail Status
- Skye for Business
- HPC Access-Management
- Print Service Quota
- Printing Service Budget Management
- Microsoft 365 Apps
- License Key Self Service
- Contact

Information about software and licenses



Storage and Backup


The RHRZ offers storage in various service qualities and for different purposes.

Employees are provided with basic storage free of charge, but limited to 100GB. Additional storage requirements can be provided via fee-based services.

Further information:




The RHRZ uses TSM to back up data for all existing platforms (e.g. Windows).

Backup data can be viewed and reconstructed under Windows, for example, under previous versions.
These are available in specific intervals.

Further information:

rz.rptu.de/serverdienste/backup-und-archivedienste-tsm (german only)

If it is necessary to recover data, you should always act quickly.
Please contact us via rz-support(at)rptu.de and specify the affected network drive path.

User Certificates

What is a user certificate?

A user certificate is a personal digital identity that is authenticated and issued by the RHRZ in cooperation with Geant TCS.

User certificates are used to authenticate and encrypt a user's content on the Internet.

They are used, for example, for encrypting e-mails, signing documents and much more.

Further information:

rz.rptu.de/pki (german only)

Server and Remote Login

The RHRZ provides employees an access to Linux and Windows servers, as well as a high-performance computer for computing-intensive tasks.

The following systems are available:
- Linux terminal server (dialog server)
- Windows remote desktop server (terminal server)
- Elwetritsch high-performance computer (HPC)

Further information:

Telephony Service

Classic Telephone

Every office at RPTU that has a telephone socket can be supplied with a landline telephone.
Those phones have their individual phone number and can be used for business purposes on campus and in the public telephone network.

Further information:
rz.rptu.de/festnetzanschluss (germany only)

Unified Communications (UC)

UC is an extension of the traditional telephony system that can be controlled via a web interface or a smartphone app.

Further information:
rz.rptu.de/telefonie/unified-communications-uc (german  only)

Note: Only available in Kaiserslautern.

Mobile Contract (Rahmenvertrag)

Employees who require mobile accessibilityfor work can set up a mobile phone contract with Vodafone via the RPTU.

Further information:
rz.rptu.de/telefonie/mobilfunk-rahmenvertrag (german only)

Other Services

The following services are not provided by the RHRZ. This means that administration and support are not managed by the RHRZ, but by the appropriate service provider. The RHRZ only offers technical support for your RPTU account using the services listed below, not for internal support requests. The appropriate contact information for support requests is listed in each section.


KIS is a web-based communication and information system and provides room and event planning as well as a personnel directory.

Link to service: https://www.kis.uni-kl.de
Availibility: Kaiserslautern and Landau
Login: RPTU account (KIS employees only)
Target group: students, lecturers, employees

More information:
Contact and support: kis(at)rptu.de


Seafile is a cloud service from RARP, provided by University of Mainz for the exchange of files.

Link to service: https://seafile.rlp.net/
Availibility: Kaiserslautern and Landau
Login: RPTU account
Target group: students, lecturers, employees

More informationen:
Contact and support: hotline(at)uni-mainz.de

KIS Office

KIS - Office is a web calendar for students with an integrated course catalog from CAS Campus.

Link to service: https://office.kis.uni-kl.de
Availibility: Kaiserslautern
Login: RPTU account
Target group: students

More information:
Contact and support: kis(at)rptu.de


OpenOLAT is a teaching and learning platform from VCRP designed to host online courses.

Link to service: https://olat.vcrp.de/dmz/
Availibility: Kaiserslautern and Landau
Login: RPTU account
Target group: students, lecturers, examiners

More information:
rptu.de/etsc/openolat (KL) / zhdl.rptu.de/openolat (LD)
contact in Kaiserslautern: zidis-eteaching(at)rptu.de
contact in Landau: e-learning(at)uni-landau.de

The following services are hosted and administrated by the RHRZ, but supported by others. The RHRZ only offers technical support for your RPTU account using the services listed below, not for internal support requests. The appropriate contact information for support requests is listed in each section.


The self-service QIS is a web portal for study administration and examination management.

Link to service: https://qis.verw.uni-kl.de/
Availibility: Kaiserslautern
Login: matriculation number or examiner ID code
Target group: students, lecturers, examiners

More informationen:
Contact and support: Student Service Center


The service KLIPS provides the functions for student and examination administration as well as room booking.

Link to service: https://klips.rptu.de/
Availibility: Landau
Login: RPTU account
Target group: students, lecturing employees

More informationen:
Contact and support: rptu.de/klips-support


RHRZ support structure

The RHRZ offers different support for different departments.

For support requests, some departments or institutions have a dedicated admin provided by the RHRZ. Departments without a dedicated admin can be supported via the Rent-an-Azubi program (KL only), depending on the individual agreement.

Please ask your department how the support responsibilities are organized.

Requests to the Rent-an-Azubi program must be made via rz-support(at)rptu.de.

In addition, the RHRZ is available for all other support requests via the hotline, ticket system and FAQ (see below).

IT responsible employees

If a department or institution selects an employee from its own department to be responsible for IT, the supervisor must apply to the RHRZ via rz-support(at)rptu.de to acquire admin privileges.

The following information must be included:
- Name of the employee
- RPTU account name
- OU ID (can be found under am.rz.rptu.de/oubaum.php)
- Service Portal admin area Software download access (yes/no)
- RHRZ boot server access (yes/no)

Access for the following services can be managed by superiors themselves:
- Budget management (via Service Portal)
- Requesting accounts (via accounts.rptu.de)

Internal employees responsible for IT must be trained by the department or institution themselves. The RHRZ offers seminars for new admins on request. However, it is always advisable to make use of the support services mentioned above. The RHRZ offers only limited to no support or only advisory services for departments or institutions that have their own RHRZ-independent admin.

More informationen and video guides

An AD (Active Directory) is a summarized network of users, objects, policies, etc. using a public domain.

A domain is a globally unique and unambiguous name under which services and resources can be addressed on the Internet.
For example, your e-mail address (@rptu.de) or device names (pc01.rptu.de, printer01.rptu.de, server01.rptu.de) also contain our domain name.

Some domains have a subdomain (example: "rz".rptu.de).

More information about the RPTU domain can be found here:
rz.rptu.de/veraendertes-domainkonzept-fuer-webseiten (german only)


Group policies are configurations or settings that are passed through the Active Directory to objects.

For example, security settings can be distributed centrally to all devices, provided they are located within the domain.
Departments which are represented in the Active Directory can also receive GPOs tailored to them.


The file system files.rptu.de (formerly fp0.uni-kl.de) is a network of several storage servers offering a uniform folder structure for storage and organizing files in a permission-based tree structure.


A home directory is a network drive linked to the RPTU account where data can be stored securely and backed up.

More information:


The tmpbig drive is a university-wide "temporary" storage of files. Folders with authorizations can be created there.

Note: tmpbig is emptied in irregular intervals without further notice.
Therefore, we recommend using your own home directory for the permanent storage of files or department-specific network drives.

More information:
FAQ - tmpbig

Every employee in Kaiserslautern has a chip card.

Chip card functions:
- Identification
- Credit for Mensa, Atrium, etc.
- Means of authentication for FollowMe devices

More information:
https://rptu.de/verwaltung/allgemeine-services/chipkarte (german only)

Seminare RHRZ

- Kaiserslautern
- Landau
- Online

More information


rptu.de/informationssicherheit (german only)