Information for administrative staff

Information for central administration employees

Welcome to the RHRZ!

This guide contains a list of services that the RHRZ provides for employees of the central administration.

This guide serves as an addition to the guide for employees. IT services specifically adapted to the central administration are listed below.
All other IT services can be found here: Employee Guide

RPTU account

What is a RPTU account?

An RPTU account is a user profile provided by the RHRZ with permission to access various services, valid within the entire domain.




Employee Guide:


How do I get additional permissions?

In order to gain access to additional resources in the central administration, special permissions are required. These can be assigned by your supervisor here:

Your superior can then assign the corresponding permissions under OU groups by entering the employee's user name.

Note: The allocation of permissions to employees are not carried out by the RHRZ or the "ZV-IT-Support".

We are currently migrating to As soon as the migration is complete, permission management will be available on

RPTU e-mail

What is a RPTU email?

The RHRZ offers two different mail systems (Communigate and Exchange). Employees in the central administration use Exchange.

More information about RPTU email:


E-Mail Alias

Every RPTU account is assigned an e-mail inbox, typically named It is possible to set an email alias to personalize the email address.

You can set the alias under my data on the website You can choose between or



The use of Exchange is mandatory for central administration employees. Exchange allows  additional features such as shared calendars, appointments, etc..

Employees can access their e-mail inbox via an e-mail program, usually Outlook.

Note: Should there be a problem with the e-mail program, the webmail interface can be used alternatively. However, any attached PST files, e-mail certificates or additional mailboxes cannot be accessed via the webmail interface.


More information about Exchange:

How to setup Exchange:

Webmail Interface

Printing Services

Welche Drucksysteme stehen zur Verfügung?

Das RHRZ stellt in Kaiserslautern für Mitarbeitende zwei Drucksysteme bereit.

Neben dem Follow-Me Sytem und der Druckausgabe in Kaiserslautern, stehen Mitarbeitenden der Verwaltung beider Standorte ebenfalls "Bürodrucker" zur Verfügung. Diese können mittels eines Druckservers erreicht und verbunden werden. Der folgende Link wird im Datei-Explorer in der Adressleiste verwendet um Zugang zum Druckserver zu erlangen.

\\ (Anmeldung mit RPTU-Accountname und RPTU-Passwort)

Dort können Sie den passenden Drucker auswählen. Die Treiber des Druckers werden automatisch installiert.

Einrichten des Bürodruckers

Hier finden Sie eine detaillierte Anleitung zur Einrichtung von Druckern.

Es ist zu beachten, dass Druckserver der Zentralen Verwaltung einen anderen Pfad besitzt.
Dieser muss stattdessen bei der Einrichtung verwendet werden.

Hinweis: Sofern Hilfe benötigt wird bei der Einrichtung der Bürodrucker steht der ZV-IT-Support gerne zur Seite.

Weitere Informationen:



Virtual Private Network

Einige Dienste und Inhalte sind nur innerhalb unseres Netzwerks erreichbar. Um Zugriff von außerhalb auf interne Dienste zu erlangen, wird ein VPN (Virtual Private Network) verwendet. Für Universitätsangehörige mit RPTU-Account steht der VPN-Client Wireguard zur Verfügung.

Speziell in der Verwaltung wird der RHRK WireGuard-Client als Alternative zum regulären Wireguard-Client benutzt. Diese Software ist standartmäßig installiert durch das Softwarecenter.

Zur Benutzung des RHRK WireGuard-Clients wird eine Konfigurations-Datei benötigt.

Erstellen der Konfigurationsdatei:

Die Konfigurations-Datei muss anschließend in den RHRK WireGuard-Client integriert werden.

Anleitung: Download Wireguard


System Center Configuration Manager

System Center Configuration Manager, kurz SCCM, ist eine Anwendung zur automatischen Bereitstellung von Softwarepaketen und Endpunktschutz (Anti-Schad-Software) innerhalb eines Netzwerks. Administratoren konfigurieren und verteilen diese Inhalte von zentraler Stelle und stellen sie im Softwarecenter bereit.

Das Softwarecenter ist auf jedem Gerät installiert und ermöglicht den Benutzern ohne Adminrechte, bereitgestellte Software eigenständig zu installieren oder zu aktualisieren.


Durch das SCCM wird ebenfalls die Anti-Schad-Software Sophos Interception X an Geräte verteilt und verwaltet.

Administratoren bekommen im Fall eines Sicherheitsvorfalls eine Benachrichtigung von Sophos zugesandt. Sollte ein Sicherheitsvorfall eintreten, erhalten Sie eine Mitteilung vom IT-Team, zur Besprechung des Vorgehens.

Hardwareausstattung und Windows Remote Desktop

Ausstattung für Mitarbeitende

Verwaltungsmitarbeitende haben drei verschiedene Ausstattungstypen. Welche davon zur Verfügung steht wird von der jeweiligen Leitung entschieden.

Diese drei Ausstattungstypen sind vorhanden:

Reguläres Arbeiten
- Desktop PC am Arbeitsplatz
- oder RangeeOS am Arbeitsplatz

Alternierendes Arbeiten
- vor Ort mit RangeeOS
- Home Office mit RangeeOS

Mobiles Arbeiten
- Laptop für Home Office, vor Ort, usw.

Terminalserver der Verwaltung

Das RHRZ stellt auf Windows basierende Terminalserver zur Verfügung, auf denen Sie auch von außerhalb per Fernzugriffarbeiten können. Dabei werden die Programme auf dem Server ausgeführt, die Anzeige und Steuerung erfolgt auf Ihrem eigenen Gerät via Remotedesktop.

Mitarbeitende der zentralen Verwaltung verwenden folgenden Terminalserver:

Weitere Informationen:

Citrix Workspace

Was ist Citrix Workspace?

Citrix Workspace ist ein virtualisierter Desktop in dem verschiedene vordefinierte Programme zur Verfügung stehen.

Warum benötige ich Citrix?

Die Verwendung von Citrix ist immer dann sinnvoll, wenn spezielle Citrix-Apps benötigt werden. Ebenfalls steht in der Citrix-Umgebung zusätzliche Software zur Verfügung, welche ggf. auf dem Terminalserver nicht vorhanden ist.

Citrix Workspace App

Folgende Serveradresse wird verwendet um Zugriff auf die Citrix Workspace App der RPTU zu erlangen:

Bei der Anmeldung wird der RPTU-Accountname (ohne @...) und das dazugehörige RPTU-Passwort angegeben.

Sollte der Zugriff auf die Citrix Workspace App nicht funktionieren, ist die Citrix-Umgebung ebenfalls über einen Browser unter der oben angegebenen Adresse zu erreichen. Hierbei wird die Lightversion verwendet.

Sonstige Informationen

Seminare RHRZ

- Kaiserslautern
- Landau
- Online

Mehr Informationen

Welcome to the RHRZ!

Here you will find a list of the services provided by the RHRZ for administrative staff, as well as important information.

This page serves as a supplement to the guide for employees. IT services specifically adapted to the administration are presented here.
All other IT services can be found here: Guide for employees

RPTU account

What is an RPTU account?

An RPTU account is a user profile provided by the RHRZ with access authorization to various services, valid within the entire domain.

Information on accounts:

Account administration:

Password change:

Guide for employees:

How do I get additional rights?

Additional rights are required to gain access to certain resources in the administration. These can be set by your line manager in Access Management at the following address:

Under AD groups, it is then possible for the supervisor to set the corresponding rights. The employee's user name is then entered in the appropriate AD group.

Note: The allocation of rights to employees is not carried out by the data center or ZV-IT Support.

RPTU e-mail

What is an RPTU email?

The RHRZ offers two different mail systems (Communigate and Exchange). Exchange is used for employees in the administration.

Information on RPTU e-mail

E-mail alias

Each RPTU account is assigned an e-mail inbox, which is usually as a rule. An email alias can be set to personalize the email address.

You can set this under My data on the website website. You can choose between or .


The use of Exchange is mandatory for administration employees. Exchange also allows additional features such as shared calendars, appointments, etc..

The e-mail inbox is accessed via an e-mail program. Outlook is generally used here.

Note: If a problem occurs with the e-mail program, the webmail interface can also be used. However, any attached PST files, e-mail certificates or additional mailboxes cannot be accessed here.

Information on Exchange

Setting up Outlook

Webmail interface

Printing systems

Which printing systems are available?

The RHRZ provides two printing systems for employees in Kaiserslautern.

In addition to the Follow-Me system and the Druckausgabe in Kaiserslautern,"office printers" are also available to administrative staff at both locations. These can be accessed and connected via a print server. The following link is used in the File Explorer in the address bar to access the print server.

\\ (login with RPTU account name and RPTU password)

There you can select the appropriate printer. The printer drivers are installed by double-clicking on the corresponding entry.

Setting up the office printer

Here you will find detailed instructions for setting up printers.

Please note that the Central Administration print server has a different path.
This must be used instead during setup.

Note: If you need help setting up the office printers, ZV-IT support will be happy to assist you.

Further information:

Software Center

System Center Configuration Manager

System Center Configuration Manager, SCCM for short, is an application for the automatic provision of software packages and endpoint protection (anti-malware software) within a network. Administrators configure and distribute this content from a central location and make it available in the Software Center.

The Software Center is installed on every device and enables users without administrative rights to install or update the software provided independently.

Anti-malware software

SCCM also provides and manages the Sophos Interception X anti-malware software on the administration's devices.

Administrators receive a notification from Sophos in the event of a security incident. If a security incident occurs, you will receive a message from the IT team to discuss how to proceed.


Virtual Private Network

Some services and content are only accessible within our network. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is used to gain access to internal services from outside. The VPN client Wireguard is available for university members with an RPTU account.

The RHRZ WireGuard client is used specifically in administration as an alternative to the regular Wireguard client. This software is installed as standard by the Software Center.

A configuration file is required to use the RHRK WireGuard client.

Creating the configuration file:

The configuration file must then be imported into the RHRZ WireGuard client.

Hardware equipment and Windows Remote Desktop

Equipment for employees

Administrative staff have three different types of equipment. Which of these is available is decided by the respective management.

These three types of equipment are available:

Regular working
- desktop PC at the workplace
- or RangeeOS at the workplace

Alternating work
- on site with RangeeOS
- home office with RangeeOS

Mobile working
- laptop for home office, on site, etc.

Terminal server of the administration

The RHRZ provides Windows-based terminal servers on which you can also workremotely. The programs are executed on the server and displayed and controlled on your own device via remote desktop.

Central administration staff use the following terminal server:

Further information:

Citrix Workspace

What is Citrix Workspace?

Citrix Workspace is a virtualized desktop in which various predefined programs are available.

Why do I need Citrix?

The use of Citrix always makes sense when special Citrix apps are required. Additional software is also available in the Citrix environment, which may not be available on the terminal server.

Citrix Workspace app

The following server address is used to access the Citrix Workspace app at RPTU:

When logging in, the RPTU account name (without @...) and the corresponding RPTU password are entered.

If access to Citrix Workspace app does not work, the Citrix environment can also be accessed via a browser at the address given above. The light version is used here.

Other information

You can find instructions on how to set up Rangee here:

Here you will find instructions on how to set up O365:

So that IT support can help you quickly and directly, you should also include the following information in the ticket. You can enter this directly when creating the ticket or add it afterwards.

- Availability (e-mail, telephone, etc.)
- Device (identification number/name) or service/program (name or URL)
- Environment (laptop/desktop PC, Rangee, Citrix, terminal server, etc.)

The RHRZ hotline is available for general support requests.
(e.g. information about maintenance work on a service, general RPTU account information, ticket status, etc.)

Due to the fact that hotline employees are not authorized to administer central administration systems or devices, the hotline does not offer any additional support.

Please contact your ZV-IT for ZV-specific support requests.

Please send us your feedback to rz-support(at) with the page ID: 3755.

RHRZ seminars

- Kaiserslautern
- Landau
- Online

More information

  • Instructions for the central administration on IT use

    Instructions for employees of the Central Administration on the use of IT systems to ensure the protection of employees, IT systems and processed data

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