The Follow-me system offers RPTU students and staff the possibility to print, copy and scan documents for a fee. Multi-function devices (MFPs) are available campus-wide in Kaiserslautern for this purpose. In Landau, individual devices are available for cost center printing.
A valid RPTU account is required for printing, copying and scanning on the multi-function devices.
If you do not know whether you have an PTU account, please contact the Service Point or address your question by e-mail to the support.
The printer queue for printing in the Follow-me system is already pre-installed at the RHRZ workstations in Kaiserslautern. Select the printer named FollowMe to send jobs to the multi-function devices.
If you want to print from your workstation or from your own laptop and the printer is not yet installed, please follow the instructions for adding printers (Windows, macOS, Linux) or printing by mail.
Your print jobs are stored on the print server for a maximum of 5 days until you print them. Within this period of time, print out your stored jobs on a multi-function device of your choice on campus.
Top up credit
Cost Centers
To be able to copy/print or scan to cost center, please contact the appropriate cost center manager. This person can grant you authorization via the Serviceportal.
Cost center management for the Follow-me system(DE)
Personal Credit
A rebooking machine (in the foyer of the Mensa KL, building 30) is provided for topping up credits. With this machine you can transfer credits from your student ID card for copying, printing and scanning.
(In Landau there is currently no rebooking machine available. Only cost center printing is therefore possible here.)
Link your chip card with your RPTU account
Linking your RPTU account with your employee/student ID (chip card) allows you to
- log on to the multi-function devices with the chip card (without entering your account data on the device).
- use the rebooking machine for students.
To link, place the chip card on a card reader of a multi-function device and enter your RPTU account name (without "" or "") and your password.
Now your chip card is linked to your RPTU account and can be used for your identification at all card readers in the Follow-me system.
General notes
If the paper on a machine runs out, you can use the paper order form.
In the event of technical faults on the multi-function devices, please contact the hotline, quoting the location number (Stellplatznummer) of the device.
Do you have any further questions? Perhaps we have already answered your question in our FAQ or our step-by-step instructions can help you.
For all other questions, please contact the Service Point or send an e-mail to the hotline.
Here you will find the multifunctional devices in the Follow-me system.