Information for students

Welcome to the RHRZ!

This guide contains a list of services that the RHRZ provides for students. Students will also find explanatory videos on various services and further information.


What is an RPTU account?

An RPTU account is a user profile provided by the RHRZ with permission to access various services, valid within the entire domain.

Account Information

Account Activation

Change Password


Which services are available?

- E-mail address ""  
   Access via webmail: Communigate
- Printing, Copying and Scanning
    - Druckausgabe
    - Follow Me

- Access to your home directory from home
- Linux Terminal Server
- Windows Terminal Server
- High Performance Computing

- WLAN on Campus
- VPN Access

- Personal Homepage
- KIS-Office (KL students only)
- QIS (KL students only)

- Serviceportal 
   (e.g. quota check, software downloads)
- Ticketsystem
- Knowledgebase (FAQ)

Guide: Account activation

Guide: Change Password


RPTU E-Mail Information
Web Interface

- Mail address format ""
- Storage quota: 1 GB
- Login:
    - ""
    - RPTU password
    - Layout Samoware
    - Updated browser

Local Setup

- Outlook
- Thunderbird
- Android Gmail App
- iOS Mail App

Guide: Login Mail Web Interface


Certain services and features are only accessible within our network.
The VPN client Wireguard is used to gain access to internal services from outside.

VPN Information



- Installation for Windows, Apple, Android und Linux
- Integration of the configuration file

Available Tunnels

- Full-Tunnel
- Split-Tunnel

Guide: Download Wireguard


The Serviceportal is only accessible via VPN.



- Eduroam -> Quota-Status
- Software-Download
- HPC Access-Management
- Print Service Quota
- Microsoft 365 Apps
- License Key Self Service
- Contact

Information about software and licenses

Preview: Serviceportal

Other Information and Tutorials

RHRZ Guide for Students

Attention: Due to constant changes, this guide may not always be up-to-date!

How can I contact the technical support?

Ticketsupport: rz-support(at)

RZ Service Center: Opening Hours

Hotline KL: +49 (0631) 205 - 3170
Hotline LD: +49 (06341) 280 - 31184

Where can I find my initial password?

Which policies do I need to follow when creating a password?

Here is a link to our FAQ: Password Policies


What licenses are available for me as a student?

Here is an overview of all licenses: Licences


How do I log in to QIS?

username = matriculation number

Note: Password changes in QIS is valid only in QIS.

Wireguard: Configuration File Import

Guide: Eduroam Installation

Information for students


This guide contains a list of services that the RHRZ provides for students.
Students will also find explanatory videos on various services and further information.

RPTU account

What is an RPTU account?

An RPTU account is a user profile provided by the RHRZ with access authorization to various services, valid within the entire domain.

Information on accounts

Account activation

Password change


Which services are available?

- E-mail address ""
Access via webmail: Communigate - mail.rptu. de
- Printing, copying and scanning
- Druckausgabe
- Follow Me

- Access to home directory from homefrom home
- Linux dialog server
- Windows terminal server
- High-performance computing

- WLAN on campus
- VPN access
- Service portal
(e.g. quota check, software, etc.)

- Own homepage
- KIS-Office (KL-Studis only)
- QIS (KL-Studis only)

- Ticket system customer portal
- Knowledgebase (FAQ)

At RPTU e-mail

Information on RPTU e-mail

Web interface

- Storage quota 1 GB
- Login:
- ""
- RPTU password
- Layout Samoware

Local setup

- Outlook
- Thunderbird
- Android Gmail App
- iOS Mail App


Some services and content are only accessible within our network. The VPN client Wireguard is used to gain access to internal services from outside.

Information on VPN


- Installation for Windows, Apple, Android and Linux
- Integration configuration file

Available tunnels

- Full-Tunnel
- Split-Tunnel

Service portal

The service portal is only accessible via VPN.

Service portal

- Eduroam -> Quota status
- Software download
- HPC access management
- Printing system usage
- Microsoft 365 Apps
- License key self service
- Contact

Information on software and licenses

Special features Landau

Services Landau

LD account as login method:

- SOGo (Webmail)
- Profile management

RPTU account as login method:

- KLIPS (login with RPTU account)
- Chip card photo upload (only for LD chip card)

Changes to existing services:

- Info PC rooms

Other information and help videos

How can I contact the RHRZ?

Ticket support: rz-support(at)

RZ Service Center: Opening hours

Hotline KL: +49 (0631) 205 - 3170
Hotline LD: +49 (06341) 280 - 31184

Where can I find my initial password?

Here you can find your initial password: Initialpasswort.pdf

What guidelines do I need to follow when creating a password?

Here is a link to our FAQ: Password guidelines

What licenses are available to me as a student?

Here is an overview of all licenses: License overview

How do I log in to QIS?

User name = matriculation number

Note: Password change in QIS is only valid in QIS.