Only available until the end of November 2024
Personal websites can no longer be published via the RHRZ from 01.12.2024. Due to the sharp decline in use, this service must unfortunately be discontinued.
Your own homepage: Here's how!
Providers are generally responsible for their own homepages, but some rules always apply:
- You may not offer any commercial pages on the science network.
- You may not disseminate any data with content that violates human dignity or is discriminatory (this goes without saying).
3. you can now design the index.html file yourself (HTML, CSS, JS). If you have no experience with HTML, read the introduction to HTML, for example.
Using a template generator (e.g. initializr), you can underlay your page with a ready-made design.
4. the directories $HOME and $HOME/.wwww must always have the execute bit set for others, the files in them must be readable for others so that they can be accessed from the web server. To do this, you must adjust the access rights within your home directory.
Note: Make sure that you do not store any private documents within your home directory, as these are visible to the outside world due to the access rights set.
5. your finished homepage is then accessible with any browser ( Mozilla Firefox / Internet Explorer ) under the URL
worldwide. After some time it will also appear on the homepage list.