Server certificates
Server certificates can be requested from HARICA via the DFN-PKI service. HARICA is part of the Greek university network GUnet.
System administrators require accreditation from their institution. For this purpose, a signed e-mail from the management of a department or institution to the participant service rz-ra(at) stating first name, surname and e-mail address and permission to apply for server certificates for the department or institution is sufficient. The accreditation remains valid until it is withdrawn or revoked. Existing accreditations from the DFN-PKI Security Level Global remain valid.
Application process in the HARICA Certmanager
1. generate the private key and the csr e.g. via openssl:
openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -keyout <fqdn>-key.pem -out <fqdn>-request.pem -subj "/CN=<fqdn>"
- The file
contains the private key to be protected. - The file
contains the CSR with the public key and is uploaded in the certmanager.
(Entries for the DN or subject alternate names are not taken from the CSR.)
2. login to the HARICA certmanager
Open the certmanager
Only log in via "Academic Login" (SSO) with your RPTU account.
3. Select the entry "Server " in the navigation under Certificate Request.
Fill out the following web forms accordingly.
Enter the friendly name (optional).
Manually enter the FQDN of the server via Add Domains.
(deselect Include www if necessary)
Further Subject Alternate Names can be entered via "add more domains".
The domain names can also be uploaded via CSV file. The CSV file must correspond exactly to the suggested sample.csv
4. select the type of your certificate
Select the type"For enterprises or organizations (OV)"
The following appears:
Your Order:
Total price: free
5. review the application before submitting
Check details
Confirm Terms of Use and CP of HARICA
6. submit request
Submit CSR manually (upload own CSR <fqdn>-request.pem) or copy&paste the content of <fqdn>-request.pem.
Confirm Terms of Use and CP of HARICA and submit
The request is then displayed on the dashboard under Pending Certificates.
The certificate is approved by the participant service in the RHRZ.
The certificate can then be downloaded via your dashboard in the list of "Valid Certificates".
The "PEM bundle" file can be used directly for web servers (Apache, nginx).
Participant service
If you have any questions:
E-mail to the PKI team:
Joachim Stemler
Phone: +49 631 205-4434