RHRZ Template Tools

Php library for the CI at RPTU

About the Template Tools

The "rhrkTemplateTools" make it possible to give a web page on which they are implemented the appearance of the central website at RPTU. The entire page content, between the header and footer, can then be supplemented with an application or your own content.

The "rhrkTemplateTools" is a PHP class that implements the corporate design of RPTU, based on the central website realized in Typo3, in any dynamic or static HTML page.

If you want to use the design of the RPTU websites or the faculty websites in your own, self-created websites, this class can be used to build the current TYPO3 template around any content. The template is downloaded from the TYPO3 template server at a freely definable interval and cached locally so that the current template is always available.

Additions can be made to the template (within the framework of the CI at RPTU) in order to further adapt it to your own needs.

The current version is available via GIT or can be downloaded directly via the GIT web interface:

RHRZ Template Tools in GIT