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Origin software provides a data analysis and graphing workspace for scientists and engineers. Features include multi-worksheet and sparkline workbooks, advanced import capabilities, SQL queries, automatic recalculation of analysis results, and new graph types.

The software can be found in the service portal and on the OriginLab website

1. which license(s) do we have?

We have an "Unlimited Campus ORIGIN License" with >10,000 users, exclusively at RPTU. This license includes in particular:

  • Support and problem help with ORIGIN(https://additive-net.de/software/APS)
  • The software maintenance includes student home use for all students and single-user rental licenses for authorized user groups.


2. who is authorized to use this software?

  1. All members (students, employees) at RPTU
  2. For licensing reasons,other groups and institutions may not use the software provided by us. In this case, please contact your software supplier directly.

Everyone who uses the software provided by us is personally responsible for ensuring that the software is only used in accordance with the scope specified in the license conditions. Please read these carefully.


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3. on which hardware can this software be used?

  1. This software is intended exclusively for local installation (single user or area network license).
    This software is not made available for use on our central RHRZ servers.
    Origin is only available as a Windows version.
  2. Students at RPTU can download the Origin version of the ORIGIN software for student home use from OriginLab and install and use it on their own computer for the duration of the maintenance contract.
    To access the correct download portal at OriginLab, we recommend that you use the above-mentioned Link only from the RPTU network (directly or via VPN).
    Please select "I already own the latest version of Origin..." when downloading on the Origin pages and enter your RPTUe-mail addressunder "E-mail address", "RPTU-Kaiserslautern" under "Company" and your faculty under "Department". The latest version should be selected. After the installation, which should be completed within three days, please start and license Origin immediately: Serial number SF8T5-6078-7603686.

    You can request the product key on the following page: Product Key Request page. After logging in, click on the "request" button. The product key for activation will then be sent to you by e-mail. It is important that your RHRZ e-mail address is used for authorization. Then copy the license file to the Origin directory.

    If you would like to extend your license, proceed as follows:

    a) As long as you have already installed the current Origin version (e.g. 2017) and only want to extend it:
    - Start Origin
    - Go to "Help: Activate license" in the menu, then select "Activation"
    - Enter your product key that you generated and received by email from OriginLab during the initial activation
    - If this product key does not work, you must requesta new product keyfrom OriginLab

    b) As soon as a newerOrigin version (e.g. 2018) is available or if you want to extend your license, proceed as follows: - Enter your product key that you generated and received by email from OriginLab during the initial activation - If this product key does not work, you must request a new product key from OriginLab .e.g. 2018) is available or if you have never installed Origin before:
    - Download the new Origin version from OriginLab
    - Request a new product key
    - Install the new Origin version and activate the license with the new product key
  3. Authorized employees at RPTU can download the ORIGIN software from our download portal. Further information on the "Faculty Home Use" right, which is also included in our contract, can be found here. The serial number must be entered during installation: SF8T5-3078-7903426. Please also note that the license is managed by the RHRZ license server. The following information is required when using Origin for the first time: Port number: 1705;1705;1705
    License server name:
    Please follow these instructions exactly.
    The best way to work is to copy and paste.
    After installing the software, your computer must be activated for access through the firewall .

    To use ORIGIN, activated staff members can also borrow a license from our license server for up to one week. Instructions can be found here.
    For longer-term loans, this must be repeated once a week, but once the license has been borrowed, a connection to the license server is no longer required.
  4. The following documents are recommended for a successful start with Origin:
    1) Watch the video tutorial "Introduction to Origin": http://www.additive-origin.de/screencasts
    2) Read the chapter "Getting Started - Introduction to Origin" in the Origin Help.
    Please follow these instructions exactly. The best way to work is to copy and paste.

    More information on Origin can be found on the Additive website.


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4. what costs arise from the use?

  1. This software is free of charge for TU students
  2. We only pass on the actual license costs to all users and try to allocate these fairly and equitably to all users. the amount of these costs depends on the number of participating organizational units (e.g. working group, teaching area, department...). The actual costs incurred are calculated annually and invoiced for each maintenance period.

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5. how can you order the software?


  1. TU students can download and install the software as described above.
  2. Employees of the TU only need the approval of the cost centre manager of your organizational unit. In this case, please contact the RHRZ hotline


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Dipl. Ing. (FH) Rüdiger Kragl

Please contact our support request

Helpful links to the software:

General information:

about ORIGIN from Additive: http: //shop.additive-net.de/

Video tutorial "Introduction to ORIGIN ": http://www.additive-origin.de/screencasts

ORIGIN support and problem help: http: //additive-net.de/software/APS

Additive software support hotline: support(at)additive-net.de