Favorable layout combinations

Selectable under Appearance/Layout

You have many options for creating layout combinations. However, these are not always suitable or visually appealing. To avoid unfavorable layout combinations, we have compiled an overview of suitable connections below.


LayoutContent elements
White backgroundall content elements
Box gray background, red iconText and media (short text with icon)
Box red HG, white iconText and media (short text with icon)
Box red frame, red fontText and media (short text with icon)
Box blue frame, blue fontText and media (short text with icon)
Box Text 3-columnText and media (possibly longer text)
Box Text 4-columnText and media (longer text if required)
pw_teaser largePage teaser
pw_teaser smallPage teaser
Image sliderText and media (images with text if necessary)
Slider galleryText and media (images with text if required)
Large download listFile collection
Grid element accordionGrid element with subordinate CEs