Setting up printers under macOS

You can address the RHRZ printers via so-called printer queues. Once set up, you can select the various RHRZ printers in the print dialog of your applications, as you are used to doing with other printers.

To set up the RHRZ Druckausgabe printers (Kaiserslautern: A4_SW, A4_Farbe, A3_SW, A3_Farbe and Landau: LD-PC-Pool-Printer) or the multifunctional devices(FollowMe) on a device with macOS, please proceed as described in the following instructions.

However, it is not always necessary to set up a printer:

All available printers are already pre-installed on the computers in the two terminal pools/PC pools of the RHRZ in Kaiserslautern and Landau and on the remote stop servers (terminal servers) of the RHRZ.

In addition to using the printers via the printer queues described here, you can also send print jobs to the multifunction devicesby e-mail. If you want to print on the devices in the PC pool in Landau, you can alternatively use the online print function at

To print posters up to a format of DIN A0 via the Druckausgabe, please upload them in the web portal under the menu item "Large format". Follow the instructions on large format printing.


There must be a connection to the university network(LAN, WLAN, VPN).

Printer driver


We have listed the available printer maintenance documents, the model names of the devices used and the printer drivers that you need to use the Druckausgabe or multifunction devices here.

Click on the appropriate link to download the required driver package from the manufacturer's website.


Model name

Driver (package) as of macOS 12 Monterey




Ricoh MP 6503SP
(with finisher SR4120 - without punch unit)



Ricoh MP C4504SP



Ricoh MP C4504SP



Ricoh MP C4504SP

LD PC Pool PrinterRicoh MP C4504SPRicoh_PS_Printers_Vol4_EXP_LIO_4.3.0.0.dmg

Multifunctional devices:

FollowMeRicoh MP C4504SPRicoh_PS_Printers_Vol4_EXP_LIO_4.3.0.0.dmg

The drivers must then be installed.

The printer drivers must be installed from an account with administrator rights.

Add printer

Switch to the system settings and call up the "Printer & scanner" menu.

Then click on "Add printer, scanner or fax ...".

Now click on the "Advanced" cogwheel in the toolbar.

If the "Advanced" tab is missing, you can double-click (or control-click) in the toolbar to open a context menu and drag and drop the cogwheel icon into the toolbar.

Fill in the fields as follows:

  • Type: Windows printer via spoolss
  • Device: Other device
  • URL: smb://
  • Name: Name_of_the_print_queue
  • Location: Any, RHRZ or building 34 are suitable

Under "Use" select "Select software".

Use the search field to find the driver for the respective printer queue.



  • A4_SW (RICOH MP 6503 PS)
  • A4_Color (RICOH MP C4504 PS)
  • A3_SW (RICOH MP C4504 PS)
  • A3_Color (RICOH MP C4504 PS)


  • LD-PC-Pool-Printer (RICOH MP C4504 PS)

Multifunctional devices:

  • FollowMe (RICOH MP C4504 PS)


Complete the printer setup with "OK".

First registration

When you send a print job for the first time, a dialog box may appear in which you must authenticate yourself with your user name and password.

You must use your RPTU account name as the name . The password is your RPTU password. To avoid having to enter the password again and again, you can check the box "Save password in keychain".

Are you using macOS 14 Sonoma?

Enter as the"Name" as opposed to older OS versions.

You have further questions?

Perhaps we have already answered your question in our FAQ or our step-by-step instructions can help you.

For all other questions, please contact the Service Point or e-mail the support.