
Websites must be designed to be accessible so as not to prevent people with disabilities from using them.

  • Structured arrangement of content elements
  • Create alternative texts and titles for all non-text elements (images, diagrams, videos, etc.)
  • Graphics and texts should be understandable withoutcolors.
  • Explanatory texts for links (not: "Click here")
  • Use easy-to-read texts (avoid filler words)
  • Meaningful naming of forms and documents

Creating alternative texts

An alternative texthelps visually impaired people to perceive multimedia content. Therefore, a short description, e.g. of the image content, should always be provided.

This can be entered under the Media,alternative text tab.

Link destinations

To note

As can be seen in the image above, there are three links with the link text "more". Identical link texts only make sense if they refer to the same content.

Linked texts must

  • beunambiguous
  • refer to the target

"Click here" etc. should not be used.

In the illustration below, a clear text with a target is linked with an indication of the target.

You are in self-study and would like to go to the training start page, then click on TYPO3 self-study for beginners part 1.