Contact forms

with the Powermail extension


Powermail is a plug-in that can be used to create everything from simple contact forms to complex, extensive forms. The forms are both created and stored centrally and can then be used multiple times for websites.

The plug-in offers the following functions:

  • Simple creation of contact forms
  • Multiple use for websites
  • from simple contact forms to complex forms
  • Create different field types: Text, checkbox, upload field, etc.
  • Definition of mandatory fields
  • JavaScript validation (e.g. for e-mail, URL, numbers, letters, etc...)
  • Control page with a summary of the data entered
  • Confirmation page when the registration is completed
  • Sending a confirmation e-mail to the sender
  • Sending an e-mail with the form data to a specific e-mail address


It is not possible to

  • Export data from submitted forms. Only one e-mail is ever sent.
  • File upload when submitting the form

Powermail concept

First of all, a forms folder is required. This is the place where forms are designed and saved.

These forms can then be integrated as a Powermail plug-in on any pages.

Important to know!

When designing contact forms on your website, the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must be observed. Please note in particular the information in Part 5 of our privacy policy. Only simple contact forms with an email address and free text are discussed here.

All forms that go beyond the indication of name, e-mail and a free text require a separate data protection declaration and may have to be registered as a procedure with the data protection officer.

If you have any questions about this or need help , please contact your responsible data protection coordinator from central facilities, faculties or administration.

DS coordinators in Kaiserslautern:
DS contact person in Landau (as of 05/2023): Dr. Susanne Weis susanne.weis(at)


Structure of forms

Create forms

1. create a folder in the page tree: This is the central location where all forms are stored. Forms that are saved in this folder can be integrated on any number of pages.

4. enter thename of the form and click on"Create new pages". (Multi-page forms can also be created).

5. entera name for the page. Under the "Access" tab, you can publish the form on a time-controlled basis. (start date/end date)

Then select"Create new fields". These are the input fields that the visitor will see later.

7. the following fields should be created:

  • Name (text field) - Check Name transmission / Advanced tab: Mandatory field
  • E-mail (text field) - Check e-mail transmission / Advanced tab: Mandatory field
  • Request (multi-line text field)
  • Submit (Submit field)

2. switch to the list view (Web module: List) and create a new data record (the central folder is still selected in the page tree)

3. select"Forms" in the Powermail area.

6. enter the name for the field, e.g. Name. Add further fields and select the desired name, e.g. Email, I'm taking part, Submit button, until your form contains all the required fields.
Under the "Advanced" tab, you can select whether the field should be a mandatory field and must be filled in by the sender or not. Enter a description for the field, which will be displayed in the frontend.

8. select the type of field. The selection of the type determines the appearance of the field. The following types are available for selection:

Text field:
the sender has one line to enter information
Multi-line text field: the sender can enter a text here
Selection field: the user can select various options, which you can list under "Options"
Multiple selection/checkbox: is a checkable checkbox where the user can place a checkmark
Single selection/radio button: the user can select a box
Submit field/Submit: after clicking the submit button, the form is submitted

all fields that the user has filled in can be reset with this
Password field: you can use the password field as spam protection
File upload: this allows the user to transfer a file from their local computer together with the form (upload)

Using forms in the frontend

Forms can now be integrated as Powermail plug-ins on any pages.

9. switch to the Page module and select the page in the page tree on which the form is to be integrated.

11. assign a heading for the form.

13. recipient tab: Enter the name and e-mail of the recipient.

Important: Enter a subject for the e-mail, otherwise the e-mail dispatch will be deactivated!

Example of a response page.

10. create a new content element. To do this, select the Plug-ins tab and then Powermail.

12. under the Plug-in tab, you can specify all relevant settings for the form.
Settings tab: Select the Powermail form that you have already created and stored in the folder. You can also activate a confirmation page (sender can check their details again before sending), activate a multi-step form and define a location where the mails should be saved.

14th tab Response page: Enter a text that will then appear on the response page. The response page appears for the user after the form has been closed.

You are in self-study and would like to go to the training start page, then click on TYPO3 self-study for beginners part 3.

You are currently in Self-training 3, then click on Exercise - Powermail forms to continue.

Exercise - Create forms