Rich-Text-Editor (RTE)

You can format your text with the Rich-Text-Editor (RTE), similar to other word processors.


The Rich-Text-Editor (RTE) can be used, for example, to bold (1) and italicize (2) texts. 

Enumerations (4 & 5) can also be created:

  1. firstly 
  2. second
  3. thirdly


  • one
  • two
  • three

Tables (7) can also be created quite easily. For configuration a right click on the table.

 column 1column 2
row 1......

Tables are not used to arrange content! In addition, attention must be paid to the mobile view.

Linking a page

To create a text link for an internal page:

  • select the desired CSS class
  • click the corresponding page from the list

Linking a file

To create a text link for a file:

  • select the desired CSS class
  • select the corresponding file from the list

More options

Other links can be set as well: 

  • external URL
  • e-mail
  • phone

You are in the self-study and want to go to the training start page, then click on TYPO3 in the self-study for beginners part 1.


You are currently in self-training, then click Exercise - Rich-Text-Editor to continue.


Exercise - RTE