Slider gallery

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Typo3 can also be used to create slider galleries , which are practical for the header area of a page, for example. Images can be clicked through using the preview or the arrows.



  1. Create a text & media element.
  2. Add the desired images for the gallery. It is also advisable to select the same format for the images.
  3. Select the"Special: Slider gallery" layout under the Appearance tab.

We recommend a pixel width of 1200px at 100% page width in the desktop view. And at least 750px at 50% page width in the desktop view. This ensures that the images are large enough for all possible views.

You are in the self-study course and would like to go to the training start page, then click on TYPO3 self-study for beginners part 2.

You are currently in self-training, then click on Exercise - Slider gallery to continue.

Exercise - Slider gallery