Zoom is a video conferencing tool that offers video conferencing in good quality and with low latency.
Meetings with up to 300 participants can be opened in Zoom.
For webinars/large events, up to 500 participants can also be requested. There are 50 licenses available for parallel webinars/large events.
As well as 2 licenses for large events with up to 1,000 people. Please note the processing time of at least 1 day.
Zoom is available to all employees, lecturers and students at RPTU with an RPTU account. It is not possible to log in to Zoom via a functional account under the given license!
For existing Zoom accounts, refunds can be made either to the individual user themselves or to your RPTU account.
Do not exchange confidential information or sensitive personal data via Zoom.
Recordings: Please observe the legal information. It is not permitted to record the non-publicly spoken word of others without authorization § 201 para. 1 no. 1 StGB. Further information can be found in the Recordings section.
By using Zoom, you accept the terms of use and privacy policy.
Support for the application itself is provided exclusively by the manufacturer.
Zoom privacy-friendly and anonymous
Additional information on the data protection-compliant and anonymous use of Zoom offered by the SCI - Faculty of Computer Science
Netiquette for video conferences
How to make the video conference a success. Practical tips for all participants.
What is required to use Zoom?
- Webcam/microphone: Most notebooks already have an integrated webcam and microphone. These may need to be installed/activated. Alternatively, you can connect an external webcam or microphone to your computer.
- Client: As a rule, no additional client is required. The software is used via the web browser.
Join Zoom Meeting
- In most cases, you will receive an access link by e-mail in advance. By clicking on this link, you can take part in the corresponding Zoom conference. A login is not necessary.
- By entering the meeting ID, you can also join via the Zoom website or via the Zoom client . The client does not need to be downloaded or installed for this.
Note: Registration for participation is not necessary
Explanation of the menu items

1. activate/deactivate the mute function
By clicking on the microphone button, you can specify whether your microphone is active or muted. If the microphone button is shown with a dash, your microphone is currently not active.
2. Start / stop camera
By clicking on the camera button, you can specify whether your camera is active and the video image is transmitted to the other participants. If the camera button is shown with a dash, your camera is not active at the moment.
3. security
By clicking on the security button, you as the moderator can block meetings and close the waiting room for participants who have not yet confirmed their attendance. You can also grant participants the following permissions: Share screen, share chat, unmute yourself.
4. participants
As a moderator, you can manage participants by clicking on the Participants button. As a participant, you can see the names of the other participants.
5. polls
By clicking on the poll button, you as the moderator can start a previously set poll or create a poll during the meeting. Here you have the option to share the results with the participants afterwards and to repeat the survey.
6. chat
Click this button to open the chat window on the right-hand side of the browser window. Here you can exchange text messages by entering text in the input field.
7. share screen
By clicking on this button, you can share individual application windows or your entire screen instead of your camera image. As the moderator, you can also specify whether sharing should apply to everyone or only to selected people. You can also specify: How many participants can share their screens at the same time, whether only you as the host or other people can share your screen and who can start sharing if another person is already sharing their screen.
8. subtitles
You can use this button to enter live subtitles yourself or authorize a participant to do so.
9. breakout session
You can use this button to divide participants into individual groups, so-called sessions. This is helpful if you want to start group work.
10. quit / exit
By clicking on this button, you end your participation in the web conference and leave the web conference room. As the moderator, you end the meeting for all participants.
Zoom meeting planning
1. log in to Zoom via the "Sign In" button on the homepage.
2. under the menu item "Meetings" you will find the button "Schedule meetings".
3. enter the name, description, time and duration. Regardless of the time specified here, a Zoom conference can also be started earlier and ended later.
4. by ticking "Recurring meeting", you can reuse the created meeting at any time.
5. assign a meeting password for security reasons. If you leave the checkmark next to Waiting room activated, you can let individual participants or all participants from the waiting room into the meeting.
6 Meeting options: With the option "Activate joining before host", participants can join the video conference before the host. The "Mute participants" option prevents participants from being heard directly. This selection is particularly useful for large meetings. With the "Preselect breakout room" option, you can divide participants into different groups in advance.
7. alternative moderators: Specify who else may moderate the meeting.
8. save your entries.
9. you can now start the meeting. If it is an upcoming meeting, you will find the meeting you have created under "Meetings" "Upcoming". To invite people to the meeting, copy the invitation link and send it to all participants by email.
When recording an online event, you as the organizer assume responsibility for the information and content recorded. For students who organize their own meetings, e.g. as a study group, the following general conditions apply equally.
Please note the legal information. It is not permitted to record the non-publicly spoken word of others without authorization(§ 201 para. 1 no. 1 StGB). The recording function is therefore deactivated by default. The recording must be demonstrably preceded by appropriate information and the express consent of all persons who will be seen or heard in the recording. Consent must be given voluntarily and there must be no disadvantages for persons who do not consent. If consent is withdrawn, you must remove the images or sounds of the person concerned from the recording.
Webinars and major events
Large events are large meetings. During webinars, participants can "raise their hands" and take part in surveys. Further information is available from the manufacturer.
Please note the limited number of licenses available for webinars and large events.
Currently, 50 licenses for parallel webinars/large events are available at RPTU.
As these licenses can be allocated to a maximum of 50 organizers/profiles in parallel, please send an application in advance to the e-mail address rz-zoom(at)rptu.de. The license will then be allocated to you individually.
Refunds can be made either to the individual user themselves or to your RPTU account. Please refer to further information.
Yes, you can choose whether to participate in a Zoom video conference. Information that is essential must also be made available in another format. Relevant knowledge is also provided in other ways and other means of communication are offered. If you do not wish to communicate information via Zoom, other conferencing services are available. If you have any questions about equivalent alternative measures or alternative means of communication, please contact rz-zoom(at)rptu.de.
Please only use the RPTU Zoom access. This will automatically authenticate you via your RPTU account.
Yes. Logging in with an RPTU account is only possible via the Shibboleth/SSO system. If you log in via the manufacturer's website, there will be no assignment to the existing RPTU accounts and you will receive an error message.
Administratively, no separate invitations to Zoom are sent. Please note that if you have an existing RPTU account, it is sufficient to log in via the SSO page.
You can find all the information you need about security on the manufacturer's website.
The Zoom blog regularly publishes articles with helpful tips and tricks.
To implement data protection-compliantdefault settings, these have already been stored as standard. Please note that certain settings can either be activated/deactivated by you or have been administratively locked (padlocked) for security reasons. Hiding participant profile pictures in a meeting is activated by default.
Please also note the Zoom support. If you have any questions about the software and its use, you can use the chat window to get help from a Zoom employee.
Yes, select "Settings" on the initial page. Then click on "Other" and then on "Assign authorizations" . Under "Assign planning authorization to", you can now add a new email address using the plus symbol.
-Switching your microphone on and off
-Switching your camera on and off
- Activating the waiting room
- Allow or deactivate chat
-Allow or deactivate screen sharing
- Allow or disable name changes
- Manually remove students
- Show or hide list of participants
- Show or hide meeting chat
- Show or hide your own screen for the meeting participants
- Set up, start and complete a small survey
- Record the meeting (see the information on the recording process)
-Form groups with the help of breakout sessions
You can log in to the Zoom client application via our Shibboleth SSO (single sign-on) system. Once you have given the browser access for Zoom, the local client should work.
E2EE is now available as a Technical Preview and can be activated for meetings with up to 200 participants. Activation requires that all meeting participants join via the Zoom desktop client, a mobile app or Zoom Rooms, and upon activation you must decide whether you want to encrypt all upcoming meetings as default E2E or set it for a single meeting at a time. With "Enhanced encryption", you can specify this individually for each meeting. With "End-to-end encryption", all future scheduled meetings are E2E-encrypted. We recommend that you activate this option for data protection reasons. Please note, however, that some functions such as telephone dial-in, breakout rooms, voting, private chats and meeting reactions are restricted. You must therefore consider whether you need these functions for your meeting before activating E2EE.
The setting for the date format is profile-specific and unfortunately cannot be set globally.
After successfully logging in, you can select the "Profile" item on the left-hand navigation bar. Now scroll down the workspace to the "Date and time" section.
There you can use the "Edit" button to tick the "Use 24-hour time" checkbox.
Please check that your VPN connection is disconnected. This limits the required bandwidth of your Internet access.
A LAN connection is usually faster and more stable than a WLAN connection. If you are very far away from your router in the WLAN, moving your workstation closer to the router can bring an improvement.
Close other applications that require bandwidth and computing power.
Participants in Zoom meetings can deactivate their video image for better performance. Participants must not be required to activate the video image
You can check and adjust your video image in the client settings.
Various solutions to this problem can be found on the Zoom page itself.