About the content element
You can use the opening hours / consultation hours to display contact details and opening hours clearly arranged in columns.
- Displaying the opening hours of an institution
- Display of a person's consultation hours
- Display of address and contact details
- The data can be displayed both horizontally and vertically
- The horizontal view of the element is designed for a screen width of 75% (recommended position: end of page)
- The vertical view of the element is designed for a screen width of 25% (recommended position: to the right of the content)
What contact details should be on the website?
Please refrain from turning your website into a contact directory for your institution!
Please link the contact information of individual persons to their page (business card) in the HIS, but feel free to provide the contact information of e.g. an advice center, a service point, a secretariat, etc. with the opening hours element on the website.
The central contact directory, which must be maintained by all institutions at RPTU (Kaiserslautern and Landau), is www.kis.uni-kl.de. Double maintenance and the associated errors should be avoided. KIS itself currently (Dec. '24) still has an old domain and unfortunately no up-to-date design. However, a successor to KIS is in the works and you can rest assured that there will always be such a contact directory at RPTU.
Instead of creating a contact directory with the team page or a person page, for example, you can list people's main topics or project affiliations alongside their pictures and link to their business card in the central contact directory. This makes the content of the page exciting and keeps the information up to date.
Step 1: Creating the opening hours/ consultation hours element
To create the element, click on the "+ content icon" in the editing area of the target page. Then select the "Opening hours / consultation hours" element under the "Typical page content" tab. The editing menu for the element will then open automatically.
Step 2: Assigning the heading
First assign a heading under the "General" tab. Then define the type/layout of the heading.
Notes on the heading layout: The layout determines the size of the heading, with layout 1 being the largest and layout 6 the smallest. In Typo3, the "Standard" layout is preset by default; this corresponds to layout 2. If you select the "Hidden" layout, the heading is only visible in the backend and therefore remains hidden from site visitors. Use layout 1 only once per page, this improves the search engine ranking of your site!
Step 3: Configuration of the element
In the "Extension options" area under the "General" tab, you can enter the relevant opening hours/ consultation hours.
1. under "Contact person/address" you can enter the name and address of the relevant institution/person.
2. under "Contact details" you can add a corresponding telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.
3. under "Opening hours/consultation hours" you can insert the corresponding opening hours/consultation hours.
4. if you select the "Vertical output" option, the element is output vertically instead of horizontally.