Typo3 automatically generates web addresses (URLs) that contain the title of a page .
As shown in the example, a URL consists of the protocol (h t t p s ://), the domain (www.rhrk.uni-kl.de) and a path (/dienstleistungen/rechnerarbeitsplaetze/allgemeines). In this path, the individual pages are separated by a slash.
When a page is saved, it is given its own path, which is generated from the page title and the path above it.
In Typo3 this is called a slug.
Information on slugs:
- Part of the URL
- Part of the search engine information for finding pages
- is generated automatically
- but can also be customizedmanually
Slug settings
Various settings can be selected in the page properties under the General tab.
- "Synchronize URL segment" is activated by default. This means that Typo3 completely controls the slug of the page and proceeds as described above.
- If "Synchronize URL segment" is deactivated, the slug can be editedmanually.
- For this purpose, an alternative description can be inserted at the back of the"URL segment"
- Attention: When deactivating this option,"Lock URL segment" should be activated to prevent subsequent automatic changes.