Translate pages

In TYPO3, websites can be designed in several languages .

The language can then be changed by the visitor using the corresponding button.




First make sure that you are in the page view .

  1. At the top of the editing area, select"Languages" from the drop-down menu above the navigation icons.
  2. Now select the appropriate target language from the"Create new translation of this page" drop-down menu.

5 . now click on"Translate" in the content area.
6. select"Copy".
7. click"Next".

9. display the page in the frontend and select "EN" in the language menu at the top right.

3. first translate the page properties

4. save and close


  • Start/stop times cannot be changed
  • Content elements are also moved

→ tight binding to original element


  • Freer editing possible
  • Copies the content element

→ No binding to the original element

8. replace the fields marked with [Translate to ... :] with the corresponding translation. To translate content, it is best to use DeepL.

You are in the self-study course and would like to go to the training start page, then click on TYPO3 self-study for beginners part 2.

You are currently in self-training, then click on Exercise - Translate pages to continue.

Exercise - Translate pages