As part of the Campus and School Agreement, RPTU can make software products from the Microsoft 365 A3 education platform available to its students and employees.
Microsoft 365, formerly known as Office 365, is a collection of productivity tools and services offered by Microsoft (MS). It is a subscription service model that includes a variety of applications and services. Key features include:
- Office apps: the latest versions of Office apps such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook and others. These apps are available both in a web-based online version and as downloadable software for local use (similar to the previous MS Office).
- Cloud storage: Microsoft 365 offers OneDrive, a cloud storage service that allows users to store and share files online and access them from anywhere.
- Teamwork and communication: Services such as Microsoft Teams and SharePoint enable chat, video conferencing, joint project work and the creation and management of intranet sites and document libraries for improved team collaboration and information sharing.
This refers to the use of locally installable Office desktop applications. Online versions of MS Office and other cloud-based services such as Teams, OneDrive or SharePoint cannot be used with this option.
A pseudonymous M365 account is required to activate the Apps for Enterprise programs. No data from your RPTU account will be transmitted to Microsoft.
The pseudonymous M365 account is created in the RHRZ service portal under the menu item "Microsoft 365 Apps". In future, you will log in to Office with the pseudonymous account name and password provided in the service portal.
This variant includes the use of the M365 Apps for Enterprise Office programs for local installation as well as the additional use of the following M365 Cloud services: online versions of Microsoft Office as a web application, Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint.
A Microsoft 365 account is required to use M365 Cloud. This is created in the RHRZ service portal, whereby the following information from yourRPTU account is used to create the M365 account: First name, last name, display name, RPTU email address. The login to the M365 Apps for Enterprise programs and the M365 cloud services takes place via RHRZ servers. Your RPTU account password is nottransferred to the Microsoft Cloud.
Information on creating the account and the registration process:
Instructions "Microsoft 365 Cloud"
Current information on the service status from Microsoft: